Black Panthers March with "Assault Rifles"


New member
Fox News online reported on the Texas excecution of convicted killer Gary Graham at:

Interestingly, the articles says:

"The New Black Panther Party, legally bearing assault rifles, had been holding a vigil outside the prison all day, on guard for an expected confrontation with the Ku Klux Klan....'We will not be the aggressors against anyone, but if anyone is the aggressor against us, we will give them all the hell they come looking for,' Black Panther spokesman Quanell X told the Fox News channel earlier Thursday."

While I don't agree with their opposition to this overly politicized death penalty case, I must applaud them for the way they excercised both their first amendment right to peaceably assemble and their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as our founding fathers intended. Interestingly, the liberally biased media, which is normally opposed to firearms, did not seem to mind that the Black Panthers were carrying around all those eeeevil assault rifles. Again, only the unarmed can be oppressed.

Please also note, that while our founding fathers put the second amendment in to resist tyranny, they did not say that there would be no consequences for using that force. So while I support the Panthers being able to carry the rifles to defend themselves from attack, I would also support the use of force by the Texas police if the Panthers had gone on the offensive by attacking the prison.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.

Jack M

New member
EXACTLY!! Those "evil assault rifles" did not leap from human hands to attack on thier own. Arms were borne, opinions expressed, and the Republic survived. Damn, imagine that!

Keiller TN

New member
I find this peculiar. Wouldn't this be called brandishing weapons? Maybe it is legal in Texas? I would think the law would not allow hostile people to be brandishing weapons like this.

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."

[This message has been edited by Keiller TN (edited June 23, 2000).]


New member
The media circus surrounding the Gary Graham execution was an attempt to embarrass George Bush. Hence, the presence of Quannel X and his friends was for the purpose of getting out the black vote. Nobody's going to arrest armed friends of Gore. Had another group showed up armed to protest the execution of a white person, the members of that group _would_ have been arrested.

Not being a racist here, but Hillary and Gore have been playing the race card all year. Expect it to continue.



New member
In 1989 Texas passed the firearms pre-emption law so that there would be uniform firearms laws across the entire state. Rifles, shotguns, and machine guns may be carried on or about the person, including in a motor vehicle, pretty much anywhere, anytime. Places that sell alcohol like a grocery store are exceptions and there are a few others. The law makes no differentiation whether or not the guns are open or concealed, loaded or empty, it is legal to have them. Generally you would need to have it slung over your shoulder or have it concealed for it to not be brandishing. If you held it at low ready that may be brandishing if it is construed to be a threatening posture. Handguns are NOT covered by this law. To have a handgun on or about the person, with few exceptions, requires a valid CHL.


New member
California - Brandishing (417 P.C.)
Anyone who, except in self-defense, displays a deadly weapon in an angry or threatening manner.......
Penalties increase when a firearm is used or it is displayed in an angry or threatening manner towards a public officer.

Will Beararms

New member
This is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever seen. What do you think would happen if an individual from any other race or a group of persons from any other race tried to pull something like this?

Every time something ticks these people off, they come out with guns in tow. Sooner or later someone will be hurt and then the proverbial excrement will hit the fan. Hack off 90% of the middle class and see what happens.

We have a system in place to redress grievances. I believe that the 2nd exists to prevent tyranny but it's beauty is that it is only needed when tyrants try to take it away. I'm sorry but these guys are not RKBA freedom fighters. They are, however racists who just like other extremist groups are a catastrophe looking for a place to happen.

Glenn, if you are going to praise the New Black Panthers, you might as well praise the Klan and the Mexican Mafia while you are at it.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."


New member
EXCUSE ME... but "assault weapons" are currently BANNED in this country. the definition of an "assault weapon" by the govt is a semi-auto rifle, detach mag, and 2 or more evil features. guns that were made before this ban are EXEMPT and therefore NOT CONSIDERED assault rifles. post-ban rifles also FAIL to fit this description and are NOT assault weapons. full auto and select fire weapons are in an entirely different class. someone needs to let these morons know that if, in fact, they had "assault weapons" they could be picked up by the federal govt.


New member
The issue is the audience. An audience of conservatives know that a bunch of minority demonstrators displaying firearms to make a political point are simply exercising 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and are not about to hurt anyone; none of the GOP folk really believed that any of the stretch-Humvee occupants would actually start killing people. An audience of liberals, however, believe that a gun merely present in a locked safe could at any moment take demonic posession of its owner and cause the deaths of hundreds of children at any moment.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Will, I did not praise the validity of the cause of the Black Panthers.

It is wonderful that minorities feel that they can exercise their 2nd Amend. rights.

That is the whole point.

If any group demonstrates legally and exercises their second amendment rights
and first amendment rights - that is what America is all about. Maybe not your America, but that's tough.

I may not demonstrate with a group if I find them despicable like the Klan but all can exercise their rights.

The best thing for the RKBA would be march of gays, pro-abortion, pro-socialized medicine, antiprayer in the school, minorities etc. towards the State Capitol in Austin with all
carrying the same guns as the Panthers did.
1000's of them.

That would mean that the issue is not the province of a small set of marginalized cranks.

The racist roots of gun control are sadly alive and well on the TFL.

As far as assault rifles being banned, what are you talking about? If you own a pre-ban weapon it would be legal to carry in TX.

Will Beararms

New member
I was going to try and avoid the race card but my convictions dictate that I use it. I have a high percentage of Choctaw Indian blood running trough my veins. I do not participate in any of the government programs since I have never needed them.However, I could easily be in character roles for shoot-em-up western movies. That having been said, I will stick to my guns here.

Glenn, why don't you come down to Texas with your friends and start a protest brandishing assault-style weapons and see what happens to you. There was a double standard in force this week and that is worth our intense scrutiny.

These guys are thugs and they give responsible, law-abiding citizens a bad name not to mention they do nothing to further our cause among the undecided.

If this makes me biased, I wear the crown proudly.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited June 24, 2000).]


New member
Stoat, I don't mean to be picky, but 'assault weapons' have been banned for manufacture for sale to private citizens since 1986. The definition you gave was for the federal definition of a 'semiautomatic assault weapon'. They are still SAAW's. The law was against the manufacture of the SAAW was passed in 1994 and only made possession illegal for those of post-ban manufacture since they could no longer be legally made in the configuration you described. Regardless, the carrying of any legally owned, non-handgun, firearm is legal in the state of Texas.

WillB, Glenn is a Texan and resides in San Antonio so for him to 'come down to Texas with your friends' he and the posse sure wouldn't have to go very far.

Will Beararms

New member

I challenge you to do the same. First you will be excoriated by the media which the Black Panthers were not in my market and then you will be charged with inciting a riot because you are caucasian.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

Will Beararms

New member
Ignore my previous posts, I refuse to get into anymore political, caliber or brand debates over the internet. From here on out, it's strictly gunsmithing, shooting, what to buy or someother non-venomous topic.

If I have offended anyone, forgive me.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."


Staff Alumnus
I think this is a crock of ****. If a group of "whites" were to do this, they would call them a radical militia.


New member
I hope you re-think your decision.
We don't need to lose anyone over the "mess" that the Media and the Feds have put ALL of us in.
It's a long road back and we need everyone's opinions and help...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I apologize for insulting anyone.

My point is simply this.

These folks were exercising their 1st Amend.
rights and their 2nd Amend. rights in a manner that seems legal to me.

That's all that should matter in the technical sense.

However, I stand by my statement that it is good thing for the RKBA that minorities demonstrate their 2nd Amend. rights.

Even if one doesn't like their cause or character.

If members of another race could not pull this off - why is that relevant? It should be our position that all should be able to do this. In fact, argue that since they have the right - then you should also.

Let's say Jews did this to protest an anti-semitic incident. Gays did this to protest gay bashing or whatever.

They would be making the point that the RKBA is not the concern or province of white "militias" only.

Isn't that a good thing?

Again, I bear no one ill-will.

Jack M

New member
Glenn, I agree %100. The more you DISAGREE with the New Black Panthers, the more you must support the legality of them exercising 1st and 2nd Ammendment rights.