Black Gun Owners Group


New member
I will have to watch this; might be a good group to join when the WLPA (Wayne LaPierre Association, formerly the NRA) self-destructs. The article at least implies that they let white people in.
For many years I used to see a young black man at the range where I shoot, usually teaching women of color to shoot. The young man was an NRA training counselor -- the guys who certify the instructors -- and, according to my friend who owns the range, a good one. Sadly, the young man died a few years ago, much too soon. I don't remember the cause -- might have been cancer.

I've never thought of the NRA as racist, but I don't disagree that the media tries to portray it in that light.
Like any other organization, the NRA reflects its members; but the push to portray it as racist lacks a lot of historical foundation.

Aside from being founded by Union officers who shed blood to abolish slavery, the first NRA President was an ardent proponent of equal rights who attempted to integrate blacks into the Army and Congress almost a hundred years previous to the Civil Rights movement.

Former NRA President Charlton Heston marched with Dr. Martin Luther King.

And most recently at the national meeting, several members attempted to nominate Lt. Col Allen West to replace WLP as Executive Vice President of the organization. That was shut down by the leadership, though my personal belief is the only color issue there was the color green.


New member
In his Message to Congress urging passage of the Ku-Klux Acts, President Grant noted that among the Klan's many crimes was:
"They have conspired to deny Negro citizens the right to own and bear arms."

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Anyway another group pressuring politicians to leave guns alone can't be bad, right?

Oh, it most certainly CAN be a VERY BAD thing. It depends on the "social acceptability" of the group. It is a very real "guilt by association" thing. WE already are the victims of a degree of that, just by being gun owners.

IF the new group ALSO espouses radical, unpopular views about other subjects, along with telling politicians to leave guns alone, there is the risk of serious PR damage to our cause.

When everyone who owns a gun, and thinks people have a right to, are put in the same "basket of deplorables" as "NRA murders", we might not have a lot of credibility left to lose, but we still have some, and a radical fringe group (in any direction) fighting gun control risks linking fighting gun control with the rest of their radical agenda, in the public eye.

That would do damage, because of the inevitable (and already happening) linking us with the radical group, because we happen to agree on ONE thing.

So, while in principle another group fighting for gun rights is a good thing, it is possible that the "wrong" group could do more harm than good.

P5 Guy

New member
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership?
A certain group of folks would say those people are a detriment to gun owners.

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A certain group of folks would say those people are a detriment to gun owners.

Some folks don't like the JFPO's confrontational "in your face" style. They think it does more harm than good.

Some folks are also worried that if they aren't polite to people who already hate what we stand for, they won't like us very much.... :rolleyes: