Black bear hide...

It is extremely likely I am going to get a bear this year, going to make lots of sausage and jerky, keep the skull and claws for my son, he'll crap himself with glee.

My question, what to do with the hide? I don't have the time or experience to tan it myself, don't have the finances right now to have it tanned, and really have no room or use for a tanned hide either way.

Any suggestions?


New member
Well I wouldn't remove the claws if you want to save the hide. I'd sell the hide to a tannery if you can't afford to have it tanned that is why you need to leave the claws on. You can always freeze the hide and have it tanned later as your finances improve if you want to save it for yourself.

I did a rug with my bear and it doesn't take up a whole lot of room and he nearly squared six feet. It took nearly a year for the taxidermist to complete it, so I had time to save up the money. My rug was a little over $900 total, and I put 25% down paid the rest when it was done.


New member
If you leave the claws on, you could probably sell the hide green. Talk to taxidermists, I be they'll shoot you a price. OR if you have a local hunting forum you can probably sell it there. There are a few forums in AZ I bet I could sell a bear hide on for more than a taxi would give me.
As suggested you could freeze the hide for later tanning, if you choose this option roll the hide head first on the fur side to protect the ears since when frozen if bang by some other item in the freezer they could break of.


New member
Yeah man, skin that thing and freeze it. Then find a buyer. Maybe the market is different where you are, but I'm pretty positive a green bear hide would sell quickly in AZ. But we don't have many bears here either.


New member
Oh, snap, they can be sold? That sure would make a new rifle appear in my hands earlier!

I believe in Arizona you can legally sell green hides from legally taken animals. If you take it in another state/province, you need to check their regs.