Bird Flu


New member


New member
I dont know what to think...

Im not in a position to "stock pile" or have a 72hr kit. I just wash my hands.

Do you buy more ammo? Do you...Imean....What do you do??


New member
I understand not being in a position to stock pile for 6 months but, a 72 hr bag isnt that hard to put together and isn't all that expensive. If you have a decent size backpack, something bigger than a highschool backpack. A camping pack or other large bag you can carry on your back put the basic essentials in it. I won't go into details but there are a couple of threads here about them and what you might want to load them up with. Just finished mine and it wasn't too pricey.

Here's a good start, goto Target and get an emergency preparation kit. They are by the band aids and first aid kit. It is white with a red box in the middle. It has all the basics needed from first aid stuff to flashlights, a portable battery operated radio etc. This combined with your bag materials and some canned food can help you get started. Also buy a big container or water. The two gallon one found in most supermarkets. Make sure you have enough ammo, 250 - 500 rounds, five mag + and you are off to a good start.

For more info look up the threads on BOB's (Bug out Bag).

Hope this helps.


New member
My personal plan is to try and have enough "stored" food for 3 to 7 days per family member. Depending on what day of the month "something" came up around my house, we may have anywhere from two days to three weeks worth of "regular" food in the house.

I also plan on ordering a box of each size of 3M brand 95r face masks. it may cost me $30 or $40 max, and I can keep them forever.

My new opinion is that you never know what "it" might be, when "it" might happen, or where you might be when "it" does, so rather than try and plan for a specific thing, I'm just trying to cover as many bases as I can reasonably think of.

Since you can't plan for everything, I feel that if I'm prepared to avoid and protect regardless of being at home or at work or at the park, and of course, pray, that I should be better prepared to deal with a variety of sitiuations, though I may not have everything I need for one specific situation.