Bird 2 Down


New member
Got number two this morning. Went to the swamp this morning and this bird gobbled at an owl at 5:37. I had fooled with this same bird several days ago and he had flown down out to the left of his tree and walked off gobbling. Today I sat down next to the largest water oak in Packers Bend out in the area he had flown down to the other day. I listened to him gobble for about 15 minutes. At 6 am I purred ever so softly. So low some would not have believed he could have heard it. He didn't gobble but I saw a turkey sail down out to my left. Then I heard him drumming. I was worried he would get too far left on me but he walked right back over in front of me. Shot him at 6:02. Talk about a flash hunt. Good bird too. 18 lbs 3 oz
11 1/2 inch beard and 1 1/8 right spur, 1 1/16 left spur.





New member

Hey fella, congratulations.

+1 on their ability to hear. Most of us, me included, likely call to loud, to often. But then you hear some noisy displays as well from live birds, at least early in the season.

Still trying for # 2 myself.


New member
awesome bird! thats a whopper of a beard. and nice hooks too. just got my first today, was also a flash hunt. was running late hit the woods at 6:05 headed back at 6:30! first one i ever shot that had 5 beards. young bird though only 13/16 spur. other spur was broken from fighting. now i need to get number two so i can go back to fishing!