Birchwood Casey "Gun Scrubber"


New member
I recently bought some of this and have been trying it out.....I am not sure how much I like it yet.

It seems to basicly be brake cleaner/LPS instant degreaser but with a different label on it. I dont really like the fast evaporation of it for what i have used it for so far, which is just cleaning my P-01 twice.

I am curious what other people think of this product, and what their favorite uses are for it. I went back to the Hoppe's #9 solvent for now. I want to try the weaponshield but couldnt find it at Gander Mountain the other day.


New member
I've used the BC spray cleaner as well, and I like it for getting into the tighter places on my M&P, the spray manages to blow out some of the gunk that accumulates where I can't easily get to it with a cleaning brush. I then go over the parts again with Hoppe's #9. I don't use the BC cleaner for the barrel or the slide, though, just the grip piece. I use Hoppe's for the rest of the parts.

It does evaporate really quickly, so you've gotta be quick with the cleaning cloth. :)

My $0.02.



New member
I swear by it. I use it for all of my cleaning, whether it's cleaning the bore or chambers or wiping down exterior and interior surfaces. True, it does evaporate quickly but it also leaves no residue. It also seems to do an exceptional job at dissolving/softening carbon residue and it does not harm blued or stainless finishes.


New member
Gun Scrubber

Instead of paying $8 + for Gun Scrubber I like and use CARBORATOR CLEANER and or BREAK CLEANER for about $3 or less.

Citizen Carrier

New member
And note how chemically similar those two things smell to BC gun scrubber...

Just be sure to remove wood or plastic stocks from the gun before you use brake or carb...


New member
Just remember if you're using a degreaser like BC Gun Scrubber to blast away carbon build-up and lube, remember to re-apply a light coat of lube on internals like main springs, trigger springs and such.

I switched back to Hoppes for this very reason. BC Gun Scrubber was very effective in cleaning and degreasing, but it was too effective. It left everything dry as a bone. I use Hoppes for cleaning and Weapon Shield for lubing and protection.

When I get lazy, which is more often these days, it's a spray with CLP, wipe down and a patch through the barrel, and call it a day.


New member
BC Gun Scrubber was very effective in cleaning and degreasing, but it was too effective. It left everything dry as a bone.

I've never used it for just that reason. A friend of mine used it, melted his plastic grips and then used a half can of Rem Oil to relube the gun before it would cycle again.


New member
I use brake cleaner all the time. However, just remember that it is best used on disassembled parts, not whole guns. Clean the parts, relube them, and reassemble.


New member
Tophe said:
I want to try the weaponshield but couldnt find it at Gander Mountain the other day.

Retail outlets for Weapon Shield are few and far between, if there are any.

Order direct from The 16oz bottle is more cost-effective than the 4oz. It's 4x more Weapon Shield for twice the cost of the 4oz bottle and will last forever. While you're there, pick up the Oiler Pen, which comes pre-filled. It helps get lube in all the nooks and crannies of your guns and it's handy in the range bag. It's also refillable with that big jug o'Weapon Shield you just bought.