Bio-media-terroist misses target


New member
Bio-media-terrorist misses target

From today's Chicago Tribune:

"In Nashville, WTVF-Channel 5 reporter Rob Manning wanted to show how easy it would be for terrorists to poison the water supply with anthrax or smallpox. With cameras running, he crawled under a fence that he said was "a few hundred yards" from the city's "water supply".

" 'It's not too hard to crawl underneath...It took me less than 20 seconds,' he reported."

"Security guards...didn't seem concerned. They drove up in a truck, watched the TV reporter, and asked no questions..."

"It was later learned that Manning had cracked security not at the city's "water supply", but at its "sewage treatment plant"..."

Hey, you!! Out of the water supply, and out of the gene pool. Think we could trade this guy to Al Qaeda for a used camel and a future draft choice??
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New member
Think of all the witticisms one can use! He is a #$%@head!
He is full of #$%@! You just can't make stuff like this up! :D