Bin Laden dead? Who will be our enemy now?

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New member
The president of Pakistan, just now on live TV, said he has absolutely no information that Bin Laden is dead. This is one journalist's word with nothing to back it up.



New member
Plus, it doesn't matter if BinLadin is dead or not. He's no longer a "player".

We're in the beginning of yet another world wide attempt for Muslims to forcibly institute their religion as the one and only "world" religion. BinLadin played his role, but now there are thousands upon thousands of others who have taken over.

Historically, the events of today were bound to happen because they have happened before throughout history. Each time, opposition has stopped it, but only until a few generations later when Muslims again believe that they have the power to "finally" dominate the planet.
The beginnings go way back:

Muslim incursions into previously Christian lands. A "Crusade" had been underway on the Iberian peninsula since 711 when Muslim invaders conquered most of the region. Better known as the Reconquista, it lasted until the tiny kingdom of Grenada was reconquered in 1492.
In the East, Muslim attacks on land controlled by the Byzantine Empire had been going on for a long time.

Then, directly from the mouths of "babes":
"you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and ... the only thing acceptable is a conversion [to Islam] or the sword."

From the same source here at:

We are again in a world war that isn't going to stop no matter which party controls the political arena, and it wasn't "caused" by our entry into Iraq, and any and all other countries around the world are targets.
It will only stop when the non-Muslim world decides that enough is enough and treat this as seriously as it is. As of today, George Bush is about the only leader of a major country that IS treating this as seriously as IT REALLY IS.
For that, he is constantly criticised by the Left of America which has absolutely nothing to bring to the table other than appeasement.

Appeasement does not work with people who prefer to die rather than to compromise their own twistedly evil idea of "religion".

Some suggest that it's all "Bush's fault", but that simply isn't true because Muslim attacks have been going on for quite a while, not the least notable being the 1993 attack on the WTC (That was one year BEFORE he even became governor of Texas, and in 1993, his main job was managing a baseball team... hardly something to do with starting terrorism).
I would personally argue that the first significant terrorist attack of modern times that is connected in a linear way to today's escalation of terrorism is the attack on the Jewish Olympic team in 1972.

Many in the West are too full of themselves when they think that "we" are the cause of terrorism. The cause of terrorism is Extremist Muslims With a Mission, and the West has nothing to do with that.



That's easy. The enemy is "terror", or "extremism", dontchaknow? Two enemies that have such amorphous definitions that they will NEVER be eradicated, and thus this war will never end. But "War is Peace" - get that through your thick skulls and you'll all be much happier. In time, you'll come to love Big Brother.
We may still catch him but I suspect he will die alone an old, miserable man in a dark cold cave somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan or Pakistan.


I propose we invent an evil superhero in a carrot costume. His trademark 'move' will be to dangle, as from a string, that way when he makes anti-america videos we can follow him into all the countries we couldn't/wouldn't normally invade...


New member
I propose we invent an evil superhero in a carrot costume. His trademark 'move' will be to dangle, as from a string, that way when he makes anti-america videos we can follow him into all the countries we couldn't/wouldn't normally invade...

I guess if the bombs don't go off in your own neighborhood, then this whole "terrorist" thing is just a made for movie fantasy, eh?

And since all the nasty stuff hasn't happened here in the US (yet), then I guess that means that terrorists just aren't interested in us, right?

And that all this nonsense about monitoring overseas calls really doesn't make any difference at all, 'zat it?



There are any number of posters here who feel that Bush is the anti-Christ. They apparently would love to have Clinton or Kerry running the country for us. The vitriol is obvious, their reasoning is more amorphous. Maybe Reynolds is thinning the tin-foil again.:barf:


Just as there are any number of posters here who still believe the obviously incorrect BS spewed forth by the pretty talking heads on the bright & shiny picture box. They apparently would have things continue in a manner seemingly detrimental to the causes they're supposedly fighting for. Their vitriol is obvious, their reasoning more inchoate. Maybe I should mention tinfoil again in regards to people expressing their doubt that our government is accruing too much interest on their giant nest egg of moral capital.

And with that, I think I hear the death knell of this thread...


"There are any number of posters here who feel that Bush is the anti-Christ. They apparently would love to have Clinton or Kerry running the country for us. The vitriol is obvious, their reasoning is more amorphous. Maybe Reynolds is thinning the tin-foil again"

Why is it that if you don't like what Bush is doing, you are automatically a Clinton or Kerry supporter? How about if we had a president that cared about America for a change? Get off the left-right, Dem-Rep trip and think about whats good for America! It's all meant to divide us and act as a diversion while both parties sell out our country! It's tin foil hat stuff to be a sheeple and believe the government line without question.



New member
To badbob...

Why is it that if you don't like what Bush is doing, you are automatically a Clinton or Kerry supporter? How about if we had a president that cared about America for a change? Get off the left-right, Dem-Rep trip and think about whats good for America! It's all meant to divide us and act as a diversion while both parties sell out our country! It's tin foil hat stuff to be a sheeple and believe the government line without question.



Panthera Tigris

New member
There will be plenty of people step up and take over the reigns when OBL finally does expire.

Don't worry, we're not going to run short of enemies.


That's almost what I was getting at in #7...but that's a pretty funny statement nonetheless. "Not going to run out of enemies"

Silver Bullet

New member
We got plenty of enemies right here in the U.S.

[size=+2]Failing the Litmus Test: [/size]The following 16 senators voted against H.R. 5441 to prohibit the confiscation of firearms during an emergency or major disaster:

D. Akaka (D-HI), B. Boxer (D-CA), H. Clinton (D-NY), C. Dodd (D-CT), D. Durbin, (D-IL), D. Feinstein (D-CA), T. Harkin (D-IA), D. Inouye (D-HI), E. Kennedy (D-MA), F. Lautenberg (D-NJ), C. Levin (D-MI), R. Menendez (D-NJ), B. Mikulski (D-MD), J. Reed (D-RI), P. Sarbanes (D-MD), C. Schumer (D-NY).

Do you Detect any pattern ?


New member
OBL ain't dead.
If he was we'd not admit it. OBL is much more valuable to us alive than dead.

OBL = Elvis
Zawahiri = Col. Tom Parker

OBL's death is a tactical victory
Zawahiri's death is a strategic victory.
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