Billboard ideas ... need your help

Jeff Thomas

New member
Tonight a few of us discussed renting a billboard or two for Phoenix area pro-self defense messages.

The first idea is 'Stop violence ... buy a gun!', perhaps with a woman and child, and perhaps in Spanish. Various reasons behind all of this.

Have you seen, or can you suggest other, billboard-appropriate messages?

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
Show pictures of:

1. man holding up a store clerk

2. man attacking a woman

3. man breaking into a house

4. man committing a mugging

5. man doing a carjacking

6. other ideas as they occur

Message on all billboards to be the same:

"He supports gun control. Do You?"

When they try to take away my 2nd Amendment rights, tell them Hell's comin' and I'm comin' with it! Armed and Dangerous


New member
I would vote for the next to last one, it seems very solid and truthfull. Not that the others aren't, but I don't think the Dad holding child firing will win many hearts! IMHO :)

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!


New member
The Second Amendment Foundation has produced some good ads -- one showed the White House, with the caption, "The family that lives here doesn't need guns for protection", or something on that order. Maybe they'd allow the use of these in a good cause....

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
s_youarenot.jpg is the best of that lot, I think. But there are better ones.

Go to and look around ALL over it. My favorite for this purpose would be the one that states "Bank security guards are allowed to be armed to protect their employers' money, but you cannot be armed to protect your children."


Member In Memoriam

Oleg for sure + I'm certain something could be done with a "telling caption" associated with our guvernment's last li'l oops!-fest pic this past Saturday AM in Miami.

'Course, with the # of idiots that actually supported the raid, that may not play in Peoria.


New member
Remember, it's a billboard, also. Uncomplicated picture, and very short caption. Something that will be noticed, 55 to 70 mph.

When they try to take away my 2nd Amendment rights, tell them Hell's comin' and I'm comin' with it! Armed and Dangerous

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Both the
are absolutely fantastic...
But you may want to consider Mothers Arms approach... Dont use the word GUN. The word GUN causes a knee jerk reaction to all the Anti-gun folks and those minds just "click" off at that point... Use DEFENSE or other words that will cause the Anti to THINK about things for at least a moment...
Unless a knee jerk reaction is the idea... You could craft a message that has a shoking truth to it.


Member In Memoriam
Maybe something else could work as effectively ...

I'd seen a post in TRT & Deb C/CO SAS brought it up in their last NO CO meeting.

The old Burma-Shave signs. For those of you not old enough to have seen 'em, BS was a shaving cream & their ad-method was to have a string of small signs along the by-ways of America (spacings of ~100-200'); a catchy slogan-type, rhyming string that had a moral or quick humorous slant but always ended with Burma-Shave.

Brain's not working yet this AM but, guns -saves - lives (that three different small signs) last one reads (put your group name here) .... you probably get the idea (not to mention a better slogan).

I think it a very good idea for these to start springing up along our roads. Cheap to make, something that one person could do alone (individual activism) & something that could make a lot of people start thinking.

Aside from the billboards .... 'nuther thought.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
If you're interested in the Burma-shave type signs, look up .

It's the Champaign County Rifle Association, a group that got fed up with the Illinois RA and left when they got tired of inaction. They've been putting up the Burma-shave style signs all over their county for awhile now and helping others do the same. They could surely help you out and they'd be happy to do so. Maybe we could start a national network if we can get activists from 2 or 3 states involved to start it up.