Bill to ban internet and phone sales of ammo


New member
Darn right we need to stomp that bill I don't want to start paying what my local shops want to charge for .223 it's ridiculous. Gotta have my Natchez and such


New member
H.R. 4101. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to require firearms, ammunition, and explosives purchases to be made in person and to require records to be kept of the means by which the purchases are made; to the Committee on the Judiciary

Pulled the text from Thomas.

Sent to our friends in Judiciary. We should keep an eye on this one and send this thread over to Legal.


New member

The bill has been sent to The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security ( Depending on what happens in the subcommittee, the bill may go back to the Judiciary and then to the House floor for a vote.

Below are the members of the Judiciary Committee. They will act on the recommendations of the subcommittee and determine if this bill sees the House floor:

Republican Members
Mr. Hyde (Illinois)
Mr. Gekas (Pennsylvania)
Mr. Coble (North Carolina)
Mr. Smith (Texas)
Mr. Gallegly (California)
Mr. Goodlatte (Virginia)
Mr. Bryant (Tennessee)
Mr. Chabot (Ohio)
Mr. Barr (Georgia)
Mr. Jenkins (Tennessee)
Mr. Cannon (Utah)
Mr. Graham (South Carolina)
Mr. Bachus (Alabama)
Mr. Hostettler (Indiana)
Mr. Green (Wisconsin)
Mr. Keller (Florida)
Mr. Issa (California)
Ms. Hart (Pennsylvania)
Mr. Flake (Arizona)
Mr. Pence (Indiana)

Democratic Members
Mr. Conyers (Michigan) Ranking
Mr. Frank (Massachusetts)
Mr. Berman (California)
Mr. Boucher (Virginia)
Mr. Nadler (New York)
Mr. Scott (Virginia)
Mr. Watt (North Carolina)
Ms. Lofgren (California)
Ms. Jackson Lee (Texas)
Ms. Waters (California)
Mr. Meehan (Massachusetts)
Mr. Delahunt (Massachusetts)
Mr. Wexler (Florida)
Ms. Baldwin (Wisconsin)
Mr. Weiner (New York)
Mr. Schiff (California)

Click HERE for contact information

Of more pressing concern is the fact that the bill is currently in subcommittee. This committee has the ability to table this thing indefinitely, and thus kill it. Lamar Smith is the chairman of this committee. See below if there are any familiar names and CALL OR WRITE.

Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security


Mr. Smith, Chairman, TX, Homepage
Mr. Green, WI, Homepage
Mr. Coble, NC, Homepage
Mr. Goodlatte, VA, Homepage
Mr.Chabot, OH, Homepage
Mr. Barr, GA, Homepage
Mr. Keller, FL, Homepage


Mr. Delahunt, MA, Homepage
Mr. Schiff, CA, Homepage
Mr. Scott, VA, Homepage
Ms. Jackson Lee, TX Homepage
Mr. Meehan, MA, Homepage

If ANY of these people are your rep, write or call them ASAP. With all the furor going on over the "Phoenix memo," it's politically expedient to have this bill killed now. We, right now, have the ability to make sure this thing doesn't see the light of day (particularly if we make our voice heard right now...during an election cycle). If it passes we only have ourselves to blame.

I still think it is worth writing; but I am sure the reason GOA and NRA haven't said anything about it is because the makeup of the subcommittee in question pretty much guarantees this bill is DOA.