Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. Can Never Own a Gun!!!!!

Master Blaster

New member
I had an odd thought the other day about the process for buying a gun and the instant background check that must be passed under the current laws.

Bill Clinton, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, George Bush Jr. Have all admitted to smoking pot, and George Bush Jr. admittyed to using cocaine. Unless I am saddly mistaken the federal backgroun check form bars anyone who has used drugs speciffically marijuana from ever owning a gun.

What did George Jr. put on the form the last time he purchased a gun?????

Did he lie?????

Why isn't there a question asking if you consume more than 2 drinks a day??? Should people who drink own guns?????????

Don't become offended these are just my musings.

I hear Auntie calling it must be time for thunder dome!!!!!!!!

2 Men enter one man leaves !!!!!!!!

Master Blaster

Nestor Rivera

New member
Gee Wiz wally I never heard GWB say he used cocaine, I am sure the Communist News Network would love to get the date and place of the quote.
Oh and the background check only looks for CONVICTIONS of crimes

David Roberson

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nestor Rivera:
Oh and the background check only looks for CONVICTIONS of crimes


True, but the 4473 asks about _use_ of illegal drugs. An interesting difference.

But, as jeffer says, those who want to be our masters don't intend to follow the rules they prescribe for us lesser beings.


I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong and I know they will. ;), that is ask if you are a habitual user. And there is a question dealing with being habitualy intoxicated.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Gopher a 45

New member
I think we need to get the guns out of the hands of those habitual users of dihydrogen monoxide, the current consumption of which is at an all-time high in our country. Our children are exposed to this dangerous substance on a daily basis and it has killed thousands of people a year! Any CHILD can walk into any store and purchase massive amounts of this lethal substance without even a background check. It can even be found in your very own home! We need legislation for safety locks on all sources of dihydrogen monoxide and to provide severe penalties for adults who allow children unsupervised access to this menace. Please, please for the sake of our nation's youth, license and regulate this invisible danger in our society. Yet, the powerful NDMA, voice of the dihydrogen monoxide lobby, claims that teaching children dihydrogen monoxide safety (they refer to it as "swimming lessons") would be a better solution than the banning of all dihyrogen monoxide containers over six ounces, the minimum amount necessary to kill a small child. How long must grieving mothers bury their children until we can have commonsense dihydrogen monoxide control? Please, send your donation so that we may continue to fight those who would force us to retain dihyrogen monoxide!

Mothers Against Dihydrogen Monoxide (MADM)


The scary thing is that a slick enough advertising campaign by HCI, VPC etc. would probably attract a lot of support!

[This message has been edited by Gopher a 45 (edited March 09, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Unless I am saddly mistaken the federal backgroun check form bars anyone who has used drugs speciffically marijuana from ever owning a gun.[/quote]Geez, I hope not. I admitted to trying pot when I got my "top secret" clearance in the 80s. I think the form says something like "do you abuse illegal drugs", not "have you ever tried any."

Protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!


New member
Isn't that form only for FFL dealers? You don't have to fill one out if you buy from a private individual, and that's not against the law---yet.

Check Your Premise

Master Blaster

New member
Any FFL Dealers out there with a copy of the form?

I bought a gun 1 month ago and I would swear it asked if you have ever USED Marrijuana or other illegal drugs.

Check yes or no are the options.

What happens if you check yes????
Does the FFL dealer ask you for a toke or deny you the right to purchase a gun?????

I would appreciate hearing from an FFL holder on this

Master Blaster


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sweep:
Isn't that form only for FFL dealers? You don't have to fill one out if you buy from a private individual, and that's not against the law---yet.
[/quote]It is in California. All legal transfers go through an FFL here.

Protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!


New member
George Bush has never admitted to using cocain. This is a good example of how people are so easy to believe whatever they hear in the media. the man who started the rumor was denied permission to publish his "book" because the claims he made were without merit and there was no proof to support his allegations ;)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"


New member
Who is George Bush Jr. ?
George W. Bush, son of George Herbert Walker Bush, is running for president, but he is not a Jr.


New member

Would you please document your charge that GW Bush has admitted smoking pot, or cocaine?
Please give us some legitimate reliable sources for that charge.

If such were true, I'm sure it would be all over the headlines of the anti gun, pro Communist New York Times (or L.A. Times).

Munro Williams

New member
Gopher a 45,

Well said, Citizen! It's about time someone called attention to the dihydrogen monoxide threat. We're literally surrounded by it. Dihydrogen monoxide, and those who would abuse it, nay even amuse themselves with it, are a menace to us,and all the children. Unless Congress acts, lethal amounts of this vile, sinister substance will continue to be found in threatening amounts in every home.


Staff Emeritus
If I remember correctly, George W. Bush was asked if he could pass the seven year background check. He said he could. A member of the Media perked up and asked him if he could pass one from further back than seven years.

Bush then said something to the effect of, "It doesn't matter, only the last seven years is checked." Or words to that effect.

The Media then decided that his refusal to answer questions about any criminal activites over seven years ago was an admission of guilt.

A little while ago, a man (currently serving time in prison) tried to publish a book in which he claimed to have done cocaine with the Governor on several occasions. He was nice enough to detail those occasions; when it was pointed out that it was physically impossible for George W. Bush to have been in those locations, at the times detailed, the man claimed to have made some mistakes and changed his story.

The book has been killed, but the Media refuses to drop the idea that George W. Bush has been snorting Columbian Marching dust with a known felon. *sigh*



New member
The US Dept. of Agroculture,according to
alleged reports, has been spending vast
govt allocations on the top secret development of the lethal and deadly DiHydrogen Monoxide Gun .

Intial plans for a infantry model consist
of a pressurized and insulated container for this lethal substance coupled with a propain powered heat source.

The deadly liquid is heated by the propain system to 212 degrees farinhieght at which point it begins to create a supersaturaued lethal vapor under great
pressure, which is capable of severing
human limbs and inflicting third degree burns
over 90 % of the human body.

The lethal vapor is routed through a flexable
stainless steel hose to a gun barrel type devise with a trigger valve mechanism.

Anything within 15 feet of the discharge is in lethal imminent danger of destruction.

Design is currently under way to increase the range of the devise by spraying the 212 degree liguid form of dihydrogen monoxide in a solid stream of up to thirty three feet.

Currently, the prototype model fires in fully
automatic mode only but advanced research is under way to produce a select fire and semi auto triggering mechanism.

Initial tests of the proto type model
indicate an ability to defeat and penitrate
even the best bullet proof kevilar body armor
currently in use by jack booted thugs.

It is rumored that the US Dept of Agrculture is designing a fully automatic
multiple barrel version of the dihydrogen
monoxide gun, utilizing up to 75 barrels
each on fully automatic mode and mounted on a truck chasis.

This horendiously lethal devise has already been built and is in current production and use in the field.

It is employed by the US dept of agruculture
in the wholesale genocide of undesirable
families of vegatables commonly refered to as weeds.

The boiling hot water is sprayed on the weed field and the hot water soaks into the soil and burns the weeds right down to their roots. There are no survivors and the defoliated field is ready for planting the new crop.

Munro Williams

New member

The horror!
Perhaps we could get a Papal Bull, like the one banning cross-bows, along with a Presidential Executive Order to save our children from the vast Dihydrogen Monoxide conspiracy.

For the children!
