Bike Rider in Pennsylvania Kills Robber

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New member
Three Pennsylvania Teenagers attempted to rob a sixty-five year old man. They apparently attacked him on a bike trail pushing him off his bicycle at which time he pulled a gun and shot two of the robbers killing one. The District Attorney has decided not to prosecute the guy for defending himself.

Although the article does not say so I wonder if these guys were laying in wait on this trail looking for an easy target. It is hard to accept a society where young “men” lay in wait to attack others for a few dollars. Well, at least this is one individual who was able to defend himself and a Criminal Justice system that at least for now seems to side with the victim.


New member
I am sorry someone had to lose their life but this is another example of a good man defending himself against a pack of teens who apparently think older people are easy targets. Good for him.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
BarryLee said:
I wonder if these guys were laying in wait on this trail looking for an easy target. It is hard to accept a society where young “men” lay in wait to attack others for a few dollars.

Troubling, but not new or distinct to our culture....

Proverbs 1:

10My son, if sinners entice you,
Do not consent.

11If they say, “Come with us,
Let us lie in wait for blood,
Let us ambush the innocent without cause;

12Let us swallow them alive like Sheol,
Even whole, as those who go down to the pit;

13We will find all kinds of precious wealth,
We will fill our houses with spoil;

Romeo 33 Delta

New member
Maybe I'm just a cold, heartless, poor excuse for a human being, devoid of any love or regard for my fellow man ... but I NEVER feel any sadness when a bad guy is killed. I'm THRILLED that someone has taken another worthless piece of human refuse off the planet so it won't suck up any more resources while contributing absolutely nothing of any good in return. Glad the 65 year old has a shot at seeing 66.


New member
Maybe I'm just a cold, heartless, poor excuse for a human being, devoid of any love or regard for my fellow man ... but I NEVER feel any sadness when a bad guy is killed.

I agree. They're old enough to know better, and it looks like they were all of sound mental capacity. When you decide to attack another individual unprovoked, you run the risk of picking the wrong guy.


New member
I guess I'm just another cold heart. They got what they deserved. It's just too bad all three didn't get it.


New member
But they were probably just poor, misunderstood boys who sang in the church choir and would never do something so awful. They probably weren't even meaning to do any harm to the old man. and he needs to pay for ending the life of that shining young man.



New member
In the closed branch of this thread, that had been in L&CR, a question was asked about whether the bicyclist's use of deadly force required ability, opportunity, and jeopardy to inflict death or serious injury.

I think the person asking the question should probably have brushed up on his disparity of force.

Not only did we have three to one (disparity of numbers) but we had teenagers vs a 65 year old (disparity of able vs elderly). The Ability leg of the triangle was there; opportunity and jeopardy were also obviously there, as they had knocked the man off his bicycle.

Seems pretty cut and dried.
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