Bigfoot Found in Georgia Confirmed


Staff In Memoriam
I read a post here on TFL that really made sense... Along the lines of how many hunters run the woods and never once has one been shot or caught.
I got to thinking. The legendary Bigfeet may be smart critters, even VERY SMART capable of laying low during the day and completely hiding during hunting hours of hunting season but I personally throw a wrench in that theory. When we go out hog hunting with dogs at night we are not the only rednecks doing this. If they are nocturnal you would think the coon hunters and hog hunters, coyote doggers, bear and cat doggers too, would have at least one sorry mutt trash on one and bay the monkee man up! My dogs are super far from perfect and bay or catch out on possums, coons, beavers, turtles, and if given the chance would love to run a cougar or bear. I know some guys have far better trained dogs than me but I gotta re-think the possibility of a bigfoot in the good ol' USofA!


New member
Forget bigfoot. I'm looking for an honest lawyer. I heard one was run over by a train outside of Nashville this year, but the autopsy report said it was just a crosbreed between a televangelist and a used car salesman. :D


New member
Honest lawyers generally hang around with honest used car salesmen. Look around at your used car lots.
Forget bigfoot. I'm looking for an honest lawyer. I heard one was run over by a train outside of Nashville this year, but the autopsy report said it was just a crosbreed between a televangelist and a used car salesman.

That's a myth, They don't exist :eek: Well unless they are on your side, But then again, that is still a maybe.


New member
To end this thread, as we all probably know by now this was a hoax done by a car salesman and a cop. Cop was fired from force cause he lied on T.V.:rolleyes: wHAT A MORON!