
New member
Ok Guys.

I gotta know, maybe I'm a wimp. Perhaps I'm too short. Could it be possibly that I dress funny?

I just gotta the heck do a lot of guys get away at what seems to kill me.

Carrying a full size .45 1911 in the heat of summer with just a T Shirt over?

Carrying a Glock 27 in a pocket holster without yer pants dropping at your knees?

Carrying a Glock 30 with 10rds of .45 ammo in an ankle holster without walking like a pirate with a pegleg?

Carrying a Beretta M92 or Browning HP with 17 rounds of 9mm ammo stuffed in "thunderwear"?

how do ya'll do it?..I just gotta know!

Ohh..and well..I only carry a G36 .45 auto single stack compact inside a IWB holster. I know..small, but the entire world doesn't know I've got a weapon either.

Good Shooting

Ed Brunner

New member
Redlg155; Seriously a lot of it depends on the person's shape. I agree with you on the ankle holster though. I knew a gur who used to carry a Ruger Blackhawk .44 Mag in his boot. Everybody thought the limp was from Vietnam or a motorcycle etc. ArmySon posted some pictures a while back showing himself with about forty pounds concealed under a shirt.
I presume from your user name that you are/were a redlegged cannoncocker? One of my earlier lives included a lot of that.


New member
Mr. Leg -

I can understand your question, being that you are used to little guns. When you tool around on an M110, 8" cannon, you get used to dealing with full size weapons. ;)

Seriously though, I can put any full size gun (1911, P226, M9, etc) in a suitably constructed IWB with a tee-shirt or golf shirt over the top. The key, IMHO, is to get one that is comfortable so you are not always adjusting it. Nobody likes the safety diggin into their skin, eh?

Once you have done that you go on a strict diet of Guiness Extra Stout until you add the proper amount of bulk to your frame. This is done as an advanced form of camoflague and should not be attempted by those who lack the proper comitment to the art.

Doc Hudson

New member

One secret to successful concealment is a very good belt.

Invest in a couple of heavy, stiff leather belts that fit the slots, or loops on you holster. That will prevent the waggle that causes a lot of pistolpackers to be made.

Doc Hudson


New member
I think a lot depends on what activity you are going to do. If it's just going for a walk, then I am comfortable with just about anything, but settle for Glock 22 in .40 S & W.

But if it if all day, sit at desk, wedge into seat at movies, etc, I definitely think smaller Like Kel-Tec P-11 and P-32). Bottom line, exactly what is going to be rubbing on your tender hide as you shift position?

I think that to be TRULY comfortable, the whole rig; gun, ammo, and holster, needs to be under 16 ounces. But that is my arbitrary judgement.

It amazes me how many IWB holsters are designed with sharp edges that rub.


New member
I'm a big guy, but kinda slendor. I stand 6'4", 200lbs. I wear jeans, and a plaid, cotton, button-up shirt with the long sleeves rolled up, and shirt tail untucked everywhere I go. That dress provides enough concealment to wear full-sized hardware. I just bought a full-size Kimber, and I've already started carrying it instead of my Kimber Pro CDP. If I'm just wearing a T-shirt, I usually would rather have my P7 M8 with me rather than the large-handled Kimber. But half the time I just go ahead and carry the Kimber. I have a permit that I paid good money for; so I don't really care if I print.

I agree w/ Doc, if you've got a good strong belt on, you can carry anything on your hip. But for pocket and ankle carry, weight is VERY important. That's why I carry a mouse gun in the pocket (Guardian) and the Titanium Taurus in the boot.

Get a good belt, and cinch it up till it's snug; that will take care of most of your problems.


New member

You got me there..I was only on the itty bitty 155's.I never got to be on the 8inch crew. I'm glad we don't have an artillery forum, gezz all the guys would do is go back n forth about what is more effective? 155 or 8inch!


I agree with you totally about having a good belt. I've used a terrible belt with an IWB before and I'm sure folks who saw me thought I had a terrible underwear day.

I agree with you guys that bodyframe means a lot, I am 5'5, med/large build, 184lbs and unfortunately, since I decided to get in shape I've lost my Urban Camoflauge. I know I have probs carrying a big gun, but what kills me is the 114 lb guy carrying a Desert Eagle under his Cuban Shirt saying.."Sure I'm comfortable! Feels Goooooooooooooooood!" But then for some strange reason these guys seem to marry women who reflect their carry choice.

Go figure. Good SHooting!