Big hands?!


New member
Alright, what size constitutes "large" hands? Shooters always mention when talking about comfortable grips whether they have small, large, or medium size hands or paws or whatever. And are we talking overall length of your hand (end of wrist to tip of middle finger) or are we talking girth? If my buddy and I were to play patty-cake, our hands are the same length. However, I have slender fingers and he's a ham-fisted fellow, fat fingers and all. So we can never agree on what pistol feels good. I think the P229 feels about perfect, he says it's too small.

I'm 6' tall and can palm a basketball. Does that mean I have large hands? I always thought I did until an ex-girlfriend a while back told me I had small hands. That's not something a man likes to hear. So what kind of former boyfriends was she comparing my hands to? SHAQ??!! Well, if she was going out with a similar sized dude before me and the old wives' tale about hand size and other appendages is true, then I guess it was smart of me to get rid of her!



New member
I say fairly regularly that I have big hands. I do not have long fingers, I just have big, wide hands. I wear size XL gloves, and a size 12 1/2 ring finger. My wife, although I always refer to her as having small hands, actually has very long, very slender fingers (size M womens gloves, but a 5 1/4 ring finger). She can get all three gripping fingers on the handle of her Kahr MK9, where I could only get 1 1/2. But as for the length, her fingers come to the last joint in mine.

I said all that to get to this: When it comes to handguns, I believe that width is the real determining factor of whether a gun is "too big" or not.

I seem to remember almost the exact same discussion in a "Madamoiselle" magazine last month! :)

[This message has been edited by Onslaught (edited September 28, 2000).]

Fast Eagle

New member
You getting intouch with you femine side? :D

"I seem to remember almost the exact same discussion in a "Madamoiselle" magazine last month"

Fast Eagle

Sir, your remarks are repulsive to me, and I disagree with your viewpoints. But I will defend to my death your God given right to express them.


New member
I`ve always considered my hands to be pretty large. I generally take an XL glove but if memory serves I wear a 9 1/2 ring so I don`t have "bear paws" like Onslaught. ;) My wife on the other hand wears a women`s small glove and a size 5 ring. Her hands look almost like a small child`s. You won`t see her shooting a Desert Eagle one handed any time soon! :D Marcus


You know....I was going to contribute to this thread and genuinely felt I had something beneficial to say. But after re-reading Myklhouse's initial post in the thread several times I think I will wisely sit this one out. :eek: :D


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!


New member
Mylhouse is right: whatever combination of factors constitutes having "large hands" (or "small hands" for that matter) is never sufficiently defined by writers in the various 'gun rags'. We might not be able to convince the magazines writers/reviewers to change their indefinite style of description, but we can do better than them right here. For example, when we comment about the fit of various pistols and revolvers, perhaps we can tell what has or has not fit well for us in the past; mention what accessory grips, if any, the gun under description is fitted with, and so forth. We also could tell what size glove we usually wear. The more we tell, the more easily another member can evaluate the value of our opinions and reports as they pertain to him/herself.

Of course, there is no substitute for a hands-on test of a particular gun. However, that's an impossibility for most of us (drats!). But, the aggregate of comments/experiences from members on this site are usually of value. The same canmot be said for many websites dealing with other hobbies and sports -- there's usually way too much ego involvement (a/k/a "it's great
because I bought what the magazine writer drooled over" syndrome. At least here, a POS is probably a real POS when you read the same thing about it over and over again.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken


You know what they say about guys with big hands, don't you?

They wear big gloves! :D