Big Gun Heaven ;)

Eric Larsen

New member
I had the distinct pleasure of shooting a BFR (?) 45-70 Govt. Revolver today....WOW! Dead nuts accurate at 20 yds and
similar to a Casull for boom and kick. Wonderful gun.........
So much for my 40 being exciting to shoot...joke ;)
I just had to relay this to the revolver section....funnest gun
I have shot to date....ever! Shoot well

Eric Larsen

New member
It was actually no worse to shoot than a "stout" Casull load and I have shot hundreds of them...over the years with my father.
What "psyched" me out was watching the guy load the thing and the cylinder is about 4" long.....I was thinking "oh my god, do I want to do this?" But realistically, it compares nicely to a Casull.
Shoot well...


New member
I got a chance to shoot one of those a couple of years ago. Nice gun, and not as much recoil as I expected. They friend who owned it had made some reloads with 300 grain bullets and they were pretty easy to shoot.


New member
The 45/70 doesn't have neer as much snap recoil as the 454. I use mid thirty grain 3031 loads under 405 lead that are very nice to shoot. Something this much fun to shoot, we might as well load it for what we are doing. Even light loads will put a hurt on anything encountered.


New member
Try shooting a 125 grain .357 Magnum.... out of a S&W 340sc, an 11 ounce J-frame. I've never shot a Cassull or a 45-70, but it's rougher than my .44 Mag Anaconda or my .50 Desert Eagle.
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Eric Larsen

New member
I shoot a 17 oz 357 snubbie with full house loads once in a while and its ALWAYS an experience. I would honestly say the "shock" or sudden hit is similar in the 357 and 45-70..but the push and the shock waves that come off the big, nasty guns is much worse.
The Taurus 415 with stout loads is a very similar feeling. They are all fun and sometimes...almost painful to shoot. But I wont pass up the chance to shoot
Shoot well

Ben Shepherd

New member
I agree with Mr. Larsen. The recoil in your hands/wrists/elbows may be even worse out of the small light gun. But the shockwave that smacks you in the chest is a totally different animal.

Try shooting a 454 at a indoor range. The thump in the air 2 or 3 lanes down is very dramatic. I once had a young lady go out to the observation area while I was shooting warm handloads in my 44 mag. The "thump" in the air scared her.
Ever since then I always ask/warn other shooters before squeezing off the cannon. The last thing we want to do is scare people away from the range.


New member
45-70?!?!? That's for wusses. Check out THIS revolver, designed for those who just can't get enough pain in their lives. A 5-shot single-action built by a company called Pfeiffer-Waffen (in Germany) chambered for 600 NITRO EXPRESS. I saw this thing last week at the IWA show in Nuremburg.


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