big bullet low velocity deer gun


New member
I'd rather have some 50 BMG rifle and a new Corvette plus money left over....

I have no doubt that he will sell these to folks that have to have the "biggest". I doubt most if any of the owners will ever hunt with this. I would love to be wrong. I'd also love to see what the animal looks like after being shot by this monstrosity.


New member
I was just browsing through the expensive gun list when I saw that.

2,000gr bullet. 1000fps. Zeroed to 25yds.
Someone want to figure the recoil on that:eek:

Our friends with the .45-70's and such like recommend big slow bullets for hunting deer in brush and at close range. When I saw those stats I figured it fit the bill :D

If anyone does buy this thing I imagine them doing a canned hunt of retired circus elephants or over age zoo rhinos.
The only happy thought is that they'd probably break their shoulder.


New member
Would anybody have any idea what type of a powder charge that thing would have?

Using 2000 gr @ 1400 fps in a rifle weighing 26 pounds, and WAGing a powder charging of ~200 gr you get 157.96 ft/lbs of free recoil energy distributed at 19.78 fps with 15.97 lbs sec.

For comparison, your typical 500 gr .458 Win load from an 11 pound rifle generates 57.54 ft/lbs of free recoil energy at 18.35 fps with 6.27 lbs sec.

But of course to get really accurate numbers for the 4 Bore, you need a better approx of powder charge.

Jim Watson

New member
I figure it is one of those technological tour de force type items. He didn't make it because there is any use for a 26 lb 4-bore, he made it because he could and somebody else will buy it because he can afford it.


New member

He gives two powder weights, 200gr and 16 drams which works out to 437.5 grains.

The bull broke and ran through the thick timber at about 60 yards. Imagine my surprise when Bill shouted, “Go for it!” Well, when in Rome. I pulled the big ivory bead out in front and loosed the right barrel. No effect. An instant later the left boomed, and the bull rolled over like a rabbit. Bill strolled up to the buffalo in a very casual way, armed with only an FN .308. I yelled to be careful, and he replied that caution was not necessary; “he was shot with a cannon.” The first shot clipped the edge of a big tree and was deflected. The second dead centered a large ebony, bored through the 12 inches of iron-like wood, traveled down the buffalo’s neck, exited just behind his ear and stuck in the base of his horn. There is no substitute for horsepower.


Four and eight bores ain't for the faint of heart. They were the ultimate elephant stoppers before the advent of smokeless powder.