Big Brother Wants to watch over you! VA Residents look!

Navy joe

New member
Anyway, that part is a done deal, Virginia Beach, Virginia has already has $200,000 state and local money to put its popular beachfront area under they eyes of cameras tied to a computer utilizing Facial Recognition technology to search for criminals, runaway children.

The undone part is this. Va House Majority Leader H. Morgan Griffith(R) introduced a bill HB454 that would require VaBch officials to have a circuit court order to operate the system. The order would remain in effect for 90 days. The bill passed the House, now its at the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. Chair of that committee is Sen. Ken Stolle(R) a former VaBch police detective(tough on crime repub). He promises to kill the bill in committee. He says "I think the bill is totally unnecessary. I can't tell you how many stakeouts I went on with a photo of the person we were looking for. This technology allows them to do the same thing with a computer".
Either he is totally naive or he is lying his ass off. The city police chief also strongly opposes the bill saying " This is not Big Brother watching you. If anything its Big Brother watching out for you" :barf: :barf: :barf:

I see this problem as the same we have with firearms records, who has access to them, how are they kept, how are they used? Further, this is step one. The final solution will use ungodly computing power to tie all cameras(ATM, Traffic, bank, fast food restaurant etc.) into one net. Coupled with non-cash money every move of everyone can be tracked. There are several parallels to the use of supercomputers in the radar detection field where many separate radar stations are tied to a central computer to detect signals normally unseen as well as triangulate location of ECM emissions. The common thread is ridiculous computer power to accomplish the formerly impossible, which is see everyone.

The committee convenes this Wednesday, If you care call your Senator. Here's a link to the comm. page, you can get e-mail address also from clicking on the member's name.

Members are:

Ken Stolle (R) 8th
Richard Saslaw (D) 35th
Malfourd Trumbo (R) 22nd
Henry Marsh (D) 16th
Frederick Qualye (R) 13th
Thomas Norment (R) 3rd
Janet Howell (D) 32nd
Louise Lucas (D) 18th :barf:
Martin Williams (R) 1st
John Edwards (D) 21st
Roscoe Reynolds (D) 20th
William Mims (R) 33rd
Linda Puller (D) 36th
Nick Rerras(R) 6th
Harry Blevins (R) 14th

The bill doesn't have much of a chance, but we need to know. VaBch has such an identity problem the biggest thing for them is that they are the second locality in the country to adopt FRT. YaaaH! Ybor City area of Tampa is the other, please don't spend your money either place. Since its local for me if I end up down there I whole-heartedly plan to flip off every camera I see because I can. What's the charge going to be? :p


New member
What's that, kinda like a search warrant for everybody?

"Your nose fits the profile of a man we're looking for. You're under arrest for kidnapping unless you can prove your whereabouts on the third Wednesday two months ago.

Not guilty? Ok, trial is set for the fifth Friday of next February."

It's for the children. You know - kidnapped children are always galavantin around the beach. Happens all the time.

Navy joe

New member
Pretty much a warrant for everyone. The bill isn't perfect, but without it Va BCH police will use this system w/ no oversight at all.
OK, folks, THIS is where I draw the $*(^)(*&$()*&$#()*&% LINE!

This is, as far as I'm concerned, an invasion of privacy and conveys the assumption of guilt.

The Reaper

New member
Better yet, email the VA Beach people and tell them you won't be coming to leave your money with them because of the cameras.

The email address is for the Hotel/Motel Association.

I linked through this website Virginia Beach

HB454 is useless and will probably be killed. Get ready because the District of Communism is preparing to do the same thing. They already have the "state of the art" monitoring system set up. Now it is just waiting for the camera hookups. The ACLU is fighting this, but go figure how they'll do against the "It's for everyone's saftey" argument. BTW DC got the money because all the Fed agencies will get a seat at the table. They can sit in the "command center" and watch all the goings on, or watch the scanning.

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. -- Bliss Ninnies 2002

Navy joe

New member
It's sad we have to jump in bed with the ACLU, maybe oneday in a perfect world the privacy issues will get the ACLU thinking and they'll start defending THE civil right, the right to bear arms. Yeah right. When people ask of my hobbies I think I'll just start calling myself a dedicated civil rights activist and watch the gears grind until their ears smoke.


New member
"Alan Keyes is making sense" on MSNBC tonight had a debate/discussion on this subject. They usually rerun the show at 2AM EST but it might be preempted by Olympic coverage.