Big Bore Semi Autos.


New member
Anyone have any Ideas about a big bore semi auto that isnt a miniature howitzer in size. No desert eagles ( too big) or Wildely ( Too ugly). And hopefully at a reasonable price. No more than 1500$ or so. .45 caliber and up only. And Magnums are best.


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Skan21, :confused: I am quite supprised you turned a bind eye to the 10mm semi autos, price & ballistic performance that really does shine.


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My Beretta PX4 Storm .40 is a great gun that is reasonably small. 1,300 rounds of target rounds Zero failures. H&K USP .40 or .45 in the compact are great carry weapons too. I have a H&K USP .45 tactical (a beast) and a .45 compact (for carry). H&K failures? HA HA. 1,100 rounds through these.


New member
I carry my FNP-45 religiously, and have never had a problem at all, and i've put several thousand rounds through it (fmj and hp). I have noticed others with this gun reporting problems, but after a thorough cleaning it shot just fine.

I have the G-21, which is also a great gun, and very reliable, but the FNP feels much better in my hand.

For a gun that's a little easier to conceal, I'll carry my G-30 sometimes when I don't feel like dressing around my gun and don't feel like just carrying a super compact revolver (lcr).


New member
44 Automag? Not a .45, but pretty darn close. It has a 6.5" barrel that you could have cut down for that smaller size you want.

1911 .460 Rowland conversion?

Thats all I got for now.


I looked into the .460 rowland 1911 conversion and was really impressed with its ballistics.It does for the .45 what a 10mm is too the .40
But getting ammo would be a big PITA and unless you reload forget alot of plinking.But you can put your .45 barrel back in and plink with that.


New member
I carry my FNP-45 religiously,

I am a Glock snob, no doubt about it. But, I was looking at a FNP .45 at my local gun shop, and fell in love with it. I must have one. It did feel really good in my hand.


New member
+1 for the 10mm. More horsepower than the .45 in the same package...



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I don't think I was clear enough in my original post. My bad. I didn't really mention what I wanted it for. I'm one of the odd people that likes light backpacking for multiple days through rugged terrain. In NH, that means far north, in bear and moose country. I lived in AK for 3 years, and I've seen the results of both types of maulings. True, most of them were due to stupidity on the part of the 2 legged maulee ( Let's pet the cute baby moose/bear!), but that's not always the case. I would like a pistol ( not larger than 5" ) that can be easily backpacked around, very reliable, and last but not least, able to pacify a bear ( preferably until he stops breathing ). I'm not saying that the 10mm isn't an effective manstopper, but I'm fairly certain that the only way you can kill a bear with your Delta Elite is if he chokes on it after accidentally swallowing it while eating you. The LAR Grizzly is an excellent choice, but I haven't seen one for sale with a barrel less than 6.5". And don't get me started on the .50GI conversion kit on the Glock. No matter how safe it may actually be, I still get the willies when I think about a .50 slug on a polymer platform. Plus I don't like Glocks. I'd probably buy one if they made it for my SA XD(m), just because I feel that if I was going to take my chances, I'll do it with my springfield. The idea I've really liked is the 1911 with the .460 Rowland. What amounts to a magnum .45? whats not to like? I'll have to give that a look.
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New member
I don't have any experience with the grizzly but I think it fits the OP description. I don't understand the idea behind buying a large bore gun but being concerned over its looks. Isn't its performance more important? Just my opinion


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I don't understand the idea behind buying a large bore gun but being concerned over its looks. Isn't its performance more important?

Given that nobody has been killed by a black bear in New Hampshire since 1784, possibly not.


New member
I would like a pistol ( not larger than 5" ) that can be easily backpacked around, very reliable, and last but not least, able to pacify a bear ( preferably until he stops breathing )

Such a pistol doesn't exist. If you're truly worried about bears, take along some pepper spray.


New member
Given that nobody has been killed by a black bear in New Hampshire since 1784, possibly not.

And I would like to keep my name off the list, thank you. Really guys, I asked a serious question. I wasn't asking if anyone has ever gotten killed by a bear or moose in NH. I asked if anyone knew of a pistol that matched my criteria. Also, I generally don't buy a gun I don't like the looks of. Most people don't.
Thanks for the lead on the .460 Rowland anyway. That's just about what I was looking for, and a great price on it too.