BHP Malfunction


New member
I just bought 5 Mec-gar 15rd magazines and all but one of them will hold the slide open with one round left in the mag. It seems to me that the slide stop may be oversize somewhere.

Is anyone farmiliar with this problem?



New member
Check everything closely,...

as Meg-Ger is the manufacturer for BHP

Suggest disassemble and and clean interior, might have a "burr" on follower not allowing engaging the stop in full position???

Does this happen will all five?

Check the late steve Camp's website: for more info.

dogtown tom

New member
They are fifteen rounders....therein lies the fault IMHO.

While some report flawless performance with MecGar fifteens, some report less than flawless performance.

Run your BHP with thirteen rounders....if the problem persists it isn't the magazines.

It can also be your:
Recoil spring
Ammunition (inconsistent or under powered)
Your grip (thumb forward grip hitting the slide stop)

I doubt its a faulty slide stop.


Why did you call your thread BHP malfunction?

In your own post you say

I just bought 5 Mec-gar 15rd magazines and all but one of them will hold the slide open with one round left in the mag.

Doesn't that sound like a problem with the Mec-gar magazines? It does to me. You don't tell us that you're having problems with the Browning mags, but I assume you're not because almost no one has had any problems with either the Browning High-Power or the magazines that come with the pistol for decades and decades.

The thread should have been called Mec-gar 15rd magazine malfunction


New member
Take your slide off and put the slide stop back in, then insert a magazine with 2 rounds, feed one off and see where the slide stop is getting contacted. That would at least give you a place to start looking at more closely to see what the exact problem is.


Active member
Impossible! BHP's don't malfunction....ever! You have committed blasphemy. Your penance is to trade your BHP for a Glock:D


New member
Agree with dogtown tom. The factory magazines are 13 rounds. In order to get two more rounds into the same size magazine, parts need to be changed and something may be compromised. That something may be reliability. Try a 13 rounder and see if you can duplicate the problem.

I have tried the Mec Gar 15 rounder and it worked fine, but as metioned, YMMV. I use it as a range magazine but if I carried the Hi Power as my CCW I would stay with what the original design specified.


New member
Mecgar 15 rounders use a different follower. IIRC they are thinner. This how they get the extra 2 rounds in there.

My guess is that there is a follower or spring issue with the 4 mags.


New member
With the exception of some "el cheapo" mags, I have had no, as in 0, NADA, etc, issues with mecgar or browning mags in my hi-powers. If I were you I would compare the mags to each other. I would bet that if only one is causing the issue, that there is something wrong with it.

Out of all my pistols, the BHP is the least sensitive when it comes to mags. Again, just my experience.


New member
Looks like I have a few things to check. It does do it with the factory mags, but only occationally. I will load up some dummy rounds so I can see whats happening. Thanks for the replies.



New member
Since it does it with others, I would remove the slide and barrel, insert a mag that you know works with the slide stop installed. I would pay careful attention to the tab on the slide stop where it engages the follower on the mag. Then compare that to others. It could be a rare chance of a worn or damaged slide stop, or more probably mag springs or followers.
Yep, thoroughly inspect your slide stop. They can and will wear down eventually.

I didnt have much luck with the Mec-gar 15 rounders either, similar problems. Switched back to Argentinian 15/17 round military mags from CDNN and Mec-gar 13 rounders and the problem stopped. I did have one of the Argentine 15 rounders exhibit follower binding, but CDNN replaced it. I've had luck with Pro mag also, but many people seem to dislike them.

The Argentine 15 rounders have a changeable base plate that sticks out about 3/8" by the way.


New member
Chesster, the OP amplified and said his BHP was doing this with some of his factory 13rd mags, too.

Do you think he should download those, too? Or do you think he might want to check his slide stop spring?


New member
Chesster, the OP amplified and said his BHP was doing this with some of his factory 13rd mags, too.

Do you think he should download those, too?

The trick is to take the last 2 rounds out of the magazine, not the first two. Problem solved!

Walt Sherrill

New member
Is the underside of the slide (where it slides across the "next" round, as a round is being chambered) really slick and shiney? If not, you might try polishing it.

This is conjecture on my part, but I suspect that a not-so-slick surface can drag the next round forward a bit, as the top-most round is being chambered, and the nose of the following round can nudge the slide stop. (I think I've seen this happen, but can't be sure.)

And then, I may have misinterpreted it all...