BHP dissasembly video...


New member
Looking for detailed video of how to install lower weight mainspring on a BHP. A friend on mine just picked one up and wants to swap it out. He got the mag disconnect out but is now looking to remove the main spring. I used to have a link but seem to have lost it....

Thanks in advance.


New member
WVSig, Stephen A. Camp from High Powers and Handguns is a forum member here. I can't remember if his SN has the period after the A or not, but I'm sure you can figure that one out. If I were you, I'd ask him. He is usually pretty helpful, and quick to respond.

Billy Shears

New member
Don't know about a video, but Mr. Camp's book will walk you through step by step. It makes everything to do with the Hi-Power seem very simple.


New member
Yeah I told him to buy a copy of Camps instructions from his website but he is impatient and wants to do it today... LOL

Billy Shears

New member
Based on my own experience I'd say Hi-Powers are just about as close to "idiot proof" as a pistol can be. Perhaps a 1911 or Glock may be a bit simpler, but I've been pulling my Hi-Powers apart and putting them back together for years. Maybe your friend can start his project now and see how far he gets before the book arrives.