BHP and Olympic ammo

Went to the range last night and was shooting off some Olympic (the Greek made stuff) ammo. Other than it smelling REALLY weird, I was also having the occasional failure to fire on the first strike.

About 95% of the rounds did fire first strike, but about 5% didn't, and seemed to have light firing pin strikes.

Granted, my HP may just need to be cleaned, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen with Olympic ammo. Is the primer cup extra hard or something?


New member
Olympic ammo is pure junk! There are 2 brands to completely avoid, American Ammunition (Amerc) and Olympic, both of these brands are not only poor quality but poor to the point of being unsafe.

A while back there was a dealer posting on another message board how Olympic's quality was improved, he offered to send a quantity of their ammo to a board member that was known for doing ammo testing, the member took him up on the offer, when the sample arrived the first thing he did was to run it through a case gauge for that caliber, a substantial percentage was so out of spec it wouldn't fit in a industry standard case gauge!

For a reference I will point you to the AR15 Ammo Review and Reference, this is a survey of users who have bought ammo and post their experience with that brand, you will note that on this list Olympic ammo is listed as dead last! Of the 329 users reporting their experience with this brand, 51.7% said they had so much trouble with Olympic ammo that they wouldn't buy it again.