"Beyond Scared Straight" gives gun owners a bad name


New member
I was watching an episode of the show "Beyong Scared Straight," a show in A&E about delinquent youths who participate in programs where they go for a day to prison to see what prison is really like, and in this particular episode a delinquent youth was filmed before his prison experience with his many tactical rifles. He was bragging about how he was going to kill somebody, was doing drugs, etc. His rifles and guns were all over his bedroom as he was bragging about how he could just kill someone one day...and yes, he had ammo along with the rifles.

It was shocking not only to see that the parents actually let him have loaded rifles in his room, but that with a criminal record and his bragging about how he would kill somebody, they had not bothered to lock his guns and rifles away in a safe. I have a son, and am sure when he is old enough, I'll buy him a .22 rifle, and eventually something more powerful (a hunting rifle) when he learns to master firearms safely, but I could never see myself letting my son keep his rifle(s) in his room unsupervised, no matter what.That's what gun safes are for.

Did you watch this episode of "Beyong Scared Straight" and if so, what did you think of the message that this sends to people who are not into guns, but are considering gun ownership. Personally, I believe that no matter how "mature," there is no reason for someone underage to be allowed to keep loaded rifles and pistols in his room.
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New member
A reality check for us all.
There are more parents that have no control over their children today than ones that do have control.
Site you ask?, JMO

Yes it is a black eye to all law abiding gun owners and I am sure the programing just couldn't wait to air it.:(
So the show gives gun owners a bad name?

You expect TV to portray guns owners as saints?

And portrays owners as anything other than saints. Okay.

We are a touchy group.

So if that show gives gun owners a bad name, as parents should we not be worried that it gives parents a bad name?

By the hyperconcern of getting bad names logic, I have seen...
bad car driving that must give car owners a bad name
bad Democrats that give politicians a bad name
bad cops giving cops a bad name
bad preachers giving religioun a bad name...
and the list is endless and all this shows up on TV.

It isn't the media or TV show giving people a bad name. It is stupid people who do stupid things that do this. The media just shares the idiocy with more people...because it makes them money. Sex, violence, rampant stupidity caught on tape are potential money makers.
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New member
Most normal people would say the same thing, but you aren't dealing with responsible parents here. Just like some parents allow their kids to drink, do drugs and have sex as long as they do it at home where they are "safe". There are people out there who have no business having kids and unfortunately this is one of the results.

what did you think of the message that this sends to people who are not into guns, but are considering gun ownership.

Absolutely nothing. I doubt any respectable member of society is going to base their gun beliefs off what some loser on a tv show displays. If anything it will get them more into guns knowing idiots like this are out there. I think people are capable of differentiating "gun owner" and "a hoodlum who has some guns".


New member
Have you not seen any of the interviews with some of the gangs in L.A. & others, where young teenagers are armed, with bandanas covering their faces. They brag how they will kill cops or other gang members. Where are their parents? Absolutely frightening! Some of the LEO's said they were afraid to go into some areas.


Its all staged to obtain the most drametic footage to up ratings. It makes no sense to me why they would even air something like that.

Thank you, that's why I didn't bother to read any of this.

TBS, I'm sure I missed the overall point, but, it seemed senseless altogether.


New member
The difference between responsible citizens and gang bangers is night and day. I, like most CWP lincense don't make a habit of pulling guns on people. I have never pulled a gun on another human, but a banger will go shoot someone just for the hell of it as soon as they get one.

The distinction between responsible and unresponsible gun ownership needs to be pointed out. Crimes by CWL holders is less than 1%.

Ex-felons are not supposed to posses them under the law. This fact needs to be brought into the discussion.


New member
I doubt any respectable member of society is going to base their gun beliefs off what some loser on a tv show displays.
Sadly, there are MILLIONS of people living in city areas and/or with restrictive gun laws that make TV and the news media the only source of information they have on guns and gun ownership. That's why there is an anti gun political slant in NYC, Boston, L.A., etc. that has withstood all the gains we've made in the majority of the US.


New member
I think it is more of on indifferent position than an anti one that allows the laws to get through. Politicians try to make it look like they are doing something about gun crimes with laws that do nothing except take them from responsible owners. People who are not interested in owning a gun see it as "it doesn't affect me so go ahead and have the law" and it gets touted as having the peoples support. I think the average non-gun owner has no problem with responsible owners having guns, but they just don't see the big picture when these laws are put in because it doesn't affect them directly so they let it slide past.

I am just thankful I live in Arizona.
Sadly, there are MILLIONS of people living in city areas and/or with restrictive gun laws that make TV and the news media the only source of information they have on guns and gun ownership. That's why there is an anti gun political slant in NYC, Boston, L.A., etc. that has withstood all the gains we've made in the majority of the US.

You realize, don't you, that people don't just get local news much anymore. They get to learn about the whole country, the whole world even. They even use the internet.

Do you realize how many gun owners think John Wayne was a combat war hero?

Do you realize how many gun owners rely on the superior knowledge of celebrities like Ted Nugent for their understanding of the laws and factual information about guns when Nugent mispresents information just like the liberals? Do you realize how many of them rely on the conservative media for helping them understand those topics and things like history and the works of our Founding Fathers? Folks like Linbaugh and Beck are reviered by many gun owners as powerful spokespeople representing our viewing and both have repeated stated the wrong dates for the signing of the Declaration of Independence though claiming to know the explicit minds of the founding fathers. If they can't get the basic facts right, then how can we trust them on the other information, yet gun owners do it and when shown such errors, will apologize for the transgressions as being immaterial.

The real problem isn't the media, either pro or anti-gun or our percetion of it. The real problem is that people simple don't think enough for themselves. They do not question the information being presented to them. They often will not even second guess information put forth to them by those they respect or admire. Even if they think something isn't right, they will lazily not question the words of someone who obviously knows more about the topic than they do.

TV and the media, even the internet are very useful...if you know how to think. Thinking isn't just involve questioning when you hear the opposition say something that doesn't sound round and thinking isn't just discounting something said by the opposition because of "the source." Thinking means applying equally critical thought to information sources you trust as well. Thinking means learning something about the topic and arriving at your own conclusion based on the information, ideally information you have tried to verify and understand (though summary data are often all that is available to us). Just because John Wayne, Charlton Heston, Ted Nugent, or someone you like said it, doesn't mean it is right.


New member
A few years ago an event happened that let me know just how silly folks can be. Country schools have a close group of kids cause there just isnt a lot of them, one kids dad had the habit of letting them drink out of his keg after teh friday games. Well one night after they emptied the keg kids went off into the night. The boy wreckedd his car, dad found him later on dead. No one tells cops where kids got beer, dad didnt, kids didnt. My kid wrecked her car totaled it. She was staying overnite at a friends house, gals mom got after me when I asaked her why my kid was at the party and not her house. I told her when her kid stayed at our house they stayed at our house and didnt go off to a beer party. Later I learned she also let the kids drink in her home.

Many parents are not parenting, they want to be the kids best friend not mom or dad.


New member
I have not seen that show or that episode. But I'll comment from your description...

Many lower class urban kids see others with so many more material things. They drop out of high school. They join gangs. They sell drugs. They make lots of money. They buy guns on the street with their drug money or steal them. Money doesn't mean much to them at this point. The gang comradry is to be a good criminal and get away with it. They eventually get caught and sent to jail. They have thousands of dollars in cash in their "rooms" tucked away and they pay their lawyer thousands to "get them off" which they frequently do. Then they go back and do the same stuff again until one day... the lawyer can't get them off and they go to prison or are shot and killed on the street. In the mean time, a lot of honest people are hurt by these youths (mostly). Even if there were jobs available, they wouldnt qualify for a "good job". They begin to only understand force.