
New member
I was just reading the thread about New York's new gun legislation when I had a scary revelation.

If there is gun fingerprinting every one of us could be linked to a crime scene unknowingly.

I have seen threads describing ways the "fingerprint" of a case can be modified, thus making the policy useless, but something even more shocking occurred to me.

We all will have to account for every case we fire. I have been at the range and had to leave some cases behind because they ended up down range.

What if a criminal somehow acquires these cases, drops them at the crime scene, (while picking his up) and I am automatically placed at the crime!!! :eek:

These laws have to be stopped and Glock needs to cut the crap out.


New member
Yes, there are many ways the 'fingerprint' of your gun can change or be changed.

1. The breechface impressions on your ammo casehead will change with use. Plain old wear and tear will put scratches on your breechface.
2. The breechface impressions will change if you replace the slide of your semi-auto pistol or bolt of your semi-auto rifle.
3. The firing pin indent will change with primer brand (different primers have different hardness of primer cups)
4. The firing pin indent will change if your recoil spring is weak or weakens with use.
5. You can change firing pins.
6. The hotter the load, the breechface marks will change.
7. The hotter the load, you will affect the abruptness of the ejection cycle, may 'drag' primer indent.
8. The extractor marks will change with wear of the extractor.
9. The extractor marks will change with extractor spring tension.
10. The extractor mark will change if you replace the extractor.
11. Scratches on the sides of the brass will cahnge depending on how dirty your chamber is.
12. Polish your chamber and the scratch pattern will change.
13. The hotter the load, the more 'pattern' of the chamber you'll get on the sides of the brass.
14. Shall I even get into the issue of reloads? whose reloads? How many times reloaded?
15. Change barrels on your semi-auto or cylinder of your revolver.

Ad Nauseum....

This list can go on and on, but I think you get my point! :D

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!


New member
One thing that isn't evident in gun "fingerprinting." Who is going to maintain the evidence collected by the manufacturers so as to maintain a chain of custody from the time of test firing until the evidence is introduced in court?


New member
stubell, they could do that now. Unless of course you load you magazines with rubber gloves before you go to the range. Your fingerprints are all over the brass.


New member
Just in case you haven't heard. The GLOCK company has just decided to collect information on every gun that now goes out the door of the factory. As if serial numbers were not enough, they have decided to aid the enemy by taking high maginification photographs of the "balistic fingerprint" that is unique to each gun. Of course, this can be changed as has been pointed out. But to me its the principle of the matter. I think this settles my decision on whether or not to buy a Glock.

Just another one of the many ways the guvt wants to learn who has guns so they can round them up later. More databases, and of course it gets us and our culture used to such infringements of privacy and confiscation/ eventual citizen disarmament.

Of all people, even the commie hating J. E. Hoover wanted every American citizen actually fingerprinted in the name of being able to nab the bad guys. "After all, what law abiding citizen would ever oppose such a benevolent practice. If you haven't done anything, you shouldn't have anything to fear." (Please excuse me one moment while I wipe the sarcasm off of my keyboard.) ;)

We all know that gun fingerprinting makes no logical sense. But then again do you know of ONE gun law that DOES??? Common sense and criminal aprehension is NOT the ultimate goal. Citizen disarmament IS.

"Reasonable gun law".....There is NO such critter!"--EQ

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited March 17, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>14. Shall I even get into the issue of reloads? whose reloads? How many times reloaded?[/quote]

Yes. Let's. Suppose I pick up someone else's brass at the range and reload it. How does that effect the "fingerprint" on the brass?

Blue Jays

New member
Good Afternoon All-

Then there is that accurizing procedure called "firelapping" which involves shooting a series of abrasive-covered bullets to polish the interior of the barrel.

Why are people so convinced that bad things can't happen in the United States and oppressive governments only happen overseas?


~ Blue Jays ~


New member

...and I never got into the discussion of ballistics comparisons of the bullets....
1. Change a barrel.
2. Normal wear.
3. Firelapping.
4. Bullet hardness.
5. Jacketed vs lead bullet.

You want me to stop yet?

Firearms 'fingerprinting' WILL NOT WORK!!!!