Best web sites for gun statistics?

Jeff Thomas

New member
I need to write another letter to the editor, and I need to do it later today. It is in response to a gun bigot reporter, and I need to make sure I've got solid citations.

What are your favorite 'third party' sites for solid gun statistics (to the extent they exist)? I'm talking about sites that would be considered relatively unbiased, and have data on injuries and death from firearms and so on. I would especially like to find solid data on justifiable homicides with firearms, by year, and hopefully LEO vs. civilian (i.e. how many justifiable homicides were performed by LEO's vs. how many were performed by civilians). If possible, I need the exact web addresses, not just the 'CDC', etc.

This reporter really frys me, and I want to naii him on this one. (see , and it is discussed in the thread 'Placement of Self Defense Articles in Newspapers')

Thank you.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The Dept of Justice has a site, as does the Center for Disease control. If they're not linked here, try at the NRA site or do a web search.

All manner of numbers! A problem is that "homicide" means killing, whether justified (self-defense) or murder. No distinction in the numbers. Accidents are separated from homicides and suicides...There is also ethnic separation, and "per 100,000" data.

Hope this helps, Art


New member
Thanks Labgrade,
Very informative. I've got it in my favorites now :)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"