Best web sites for gun purchasing


New member
A request from the FNG to the more experienced crew out there - which web sites do you recommend for gun shopping? I know that anything I would like to purchase must clear through my local FFL guy. Santa knows that I've been a good boy this year and he feels that he should put a little something in .45 ACP under my Christmas tree. :D Thanks in advance and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! BTW, I'm grateful for my wife, my daughters and the 2nd Amendment!



Here's the two big internet firearms auctions - you can find both new and used items, commercial dealers and private sellers:

The following site is more like a internet classified section - good for doing asking price survey for a particular type of gun:

There's a jillion distributors and suppliers out there, as well as link sites - lists of the manufacturers (good for tech info). Here's one I have bookmarked, by no means the only one:

I've had good luck buying on the auctions, kind of fun to bid as well! Hope this helps!


New member
Thank you for your advice, folks. BTW, I wholeheartedly agree with you, Pendragon. My local guy will get my business unless for some reason he can't get a line on the Glock 30 that I'm looking for. Thanks again.