Best way to hide your pistol from a pat down?

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So here goes. First of all signage/company policy in PA carrys no weight of law. I'm going to a concert in philly in the near future and would really like to do so armed ( for those of you that don't know..philly is not a very nice place).

The concert hall is one I've never been to before and as I understand it in a worse part of town them I'm used to traveling to. Its standard procedure at these things to do a pat down upon entry for weapons. (again not breaking aly laws here I have a valid CCW permit...just their policy)

My figuring is that the worst they can go is deny me entrance or tell me to go put it away and come back. Willing to take that chance to not have to walk through philly as an unarmed potential victim.

These "pat downs" are often done quickly and without much care and by people with no formal training. Wondering if there was a way I could carry where the standard pat down would not reveal that I'm carrying?


New member
While I agree with you to an extent unfortunatly do to the area that I live in if I want to see a concert I have basically 2 options. Camden (can't ccw there and its way way worse then philly. One of the worst in the nation) or philly. All of the places in philly do pat downs for weapons but they're so half assed most of the time they offer me very very little comfort.

I really want to get back into the swing of seeing concerts often like I did back in high school. Now that I can carry i can potentially do so even more safely if i can just get past the door man


New member
Well, keep in mind if the wand you it may not matter where you have the gun. However, I would assume there are a few ideas to consider.

Consider what I guess you could call our private areas places they are not likely to spend much time patting down.

You might take a chance on an ankle or boot holster, but that might be hit or miss depending on the thoroughness of the search.

A friend of mine carried a Ruger LCP in a small pocket holster in his hand through the security check point once. He just casually removed it from his pocket and then held his hands over his head as they were wanding him. They never even looked at what was in his hands.


New member
Never thought about the ankle! That would probably work well if I can just get the state to hurry the hell up with my next pistol permit so I can pick up an NAA.

Exactly what you said about the guy holding his hands up and no one knowing he wa scarrying is exactly why I want to be armed. Concert security is alwats raggedy and half assed. I don't wanna be in a cesspool of a town and depend on their searching abilities for my protection. Not to mention an armed assilant could easily muscle through the one punk watching the door.


New member
A friend of mine carried a Ruger LCP in a small pocket holster in his hand through the security check point once. He just casually removed it from his pocket and then held his hands over his head as they were wanding him. They never even looked at what was in his hands.



New member
My daughter, not a "carrier", plays at and goes to lots of shows in both Philly and Camden. As her father, I worry a bit, but not at all about inside the places she goes. When I run the risk of a pat-down in Philly, I either leave it locked in my car or utilize the lock-box at the venue. I've used lock-boxes at both hockey and baseball games.


New member
RedBowTies88, if you are in NJ, and you have somehow managed to get a carry permit (which is notoriously difficult in NJ), then why would you risk losing your permit by trying to sneak a gun past security in a posted venue?

Not sure if arenas are specifically off-limits in PA, but in some very gun-friendly states (such as GA) carrying at concerts with crowds over a certain level is a criminal offense.

Other posters: Do you really want to advise people on how to sneak weapons into secure areas? Seriously?


New member
RedBowTies88, if you are in NJ, and you have somehow managed to get a carry permit (which is notoriously difficult in NJ), then why would you risk losing your permit by trying to sneak a gun past security in a posted venue?

Not sure if arenas are specifically off-limits in PA, but in some very gun-friendly states (such as GA) carrying at concerts with crowds over a certain level is a criminal offense.

Other posters: Do you really want to advise people on how to sneak weapons into secure areas? Seriously

A NJ CCW is basically impossible unless you have some very powerful friends. something like 1,100 people posess one in a state of several million.

I have a non resident Utah CCW which PA accepts. I'm not risking anything by attempting to carry as I've said it is perfectly legal to do so. All that can happen is I can be turned away or asked to leave. Pa has no such crowd law.


New member
Assuming that this would be legal in PA...

... please realize that teaching people how to beat pat-downs is probably not such a great idea.

Unless, of course, you want to teach criminals how to surprise cops.

This thread is a very, very bad idea.


New member
My daughter, not a "carrier", plays at and goes to lots of shows in both Philly and Camden. As her father, I worry a bit, but not at all about inside the places she goes. When I run the risk of a pat-down in Philly, I either leave it locked in my car or utilize the lock-box at the venue. I've used lock-boxes at both hockey and baseball games

Sadly most of the venues I frequent are quite small (Trocadero, TLA, electric factory, First unitarium) and don't offer lock boxes.

Another issue I have, I drive a rather large truck. which makes parking interesting in the city.. i often have to park very far away to be able to get a street spot or an open lot. That equals more walking though the city:(


New member
Other posters: Do you really want to advise people on how to sneak weapons into secure areas? Seriously?

Yes, on second thought you are probably right I guess I was just sort of thinking hypothetically and probably should have avoided it all together. :eek:


New member
Assuming that this would be legal in PA...

... please realize that teaching people how to beat pat-downs is probably not such a great idea.

Unless, of course, you want to teach criminals how to surprise cops.

This thread is a very, very bad idea.

I see where you're coming from I really do, but one of the things you have to remember is these are not large professional venues. there are no metal detectors and the staff doing that pat downs are genrally very poor at what they do and usually don't care. all I want is the oportunity to protect myself from some of the low lifes that can frequent these events and the area's outside where they know out of towners gather.

Take a look at the gentlemen who got by with holding his LCP in his hand. Whats to say some thus couldn't do that just as easily with a knife? Then all us law abiding people are left defenseless with just a few lazy bouncers to try and protect us

Cops perform their pat downs with much greater care and skill. I doubt there's anything you can do to hide a weapon from one of them unless they've become complacent or lazy


Staff In Memoriam
Guns as a means of self defense carried concealed upon thy person is secondary defense IMHO... Primary is to avoid shadowing the door of ANY PLACE that a predator can consider a "soft target"... Considering the possibility that you would be the SOLE person considering self defense via firearm... Not good enuff for me... NO CONCERT IS WORTH ATTENDING IN A VENUE MARKED AS A SOFT TARGET BY SIGNAGE!!!

I will not step foot in a school, mall or theater and the list is subject to grow but not shorten...



New member
I see what you're saying my friend but I would really like to see some concerts. I live in NJ... THE ENTIRE STATE IS A SOFT TARGET lol.

It's a chance I'm willing to take. But I would feel much much better about it if at least I can have some means of protecting myself against an armed attacker.


New member
Agree with mleake totally.

Ok, here you are in the theater and you've fooled the bouncers. Something happens. You use your weapon. Later it comes out you have a CCW from Utah, where you don't live, and you spoofed the venue guards. You are already in a deep hole.

Forget it. Buy a CD.

Also, although "legal," remember that the intent of reciprocal agreements is for temporary use, not to bypass the requirements of your home state. Cops take a dim view of that.


New member
Honestly I don't care how cops feel about it. I have a lot of respect for officers, specially in crappy areas like philly. However the law is the law. Using my utah CCW in pa (or any of the other 20 something states that reconize it) is perfectly legal even though I'm not a resident of that state. The fact that they may look down on poor ole me from the opporesed state becuase I had to go elsewhere for my permit means nothing to me.

I don't mean that any any sort of condensending way..but I wanted to get that out there.
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