Best Way to Clean a Stainless 1911 with a Matte Finish

David the Gnome

New member
So here is my dilemma, I own a number of stainless guns which are polished on the flats and matte everywhere else. After a while I've noticed that these matte areas tend to get pretty dirty from carry and use and I haven't found a good way to clean them. I don't want to accidentally polish the matte areas but I hate having powder residue and the like stuck to it as well. Any suggestions on how I can clean these parts without damaging them?


New member
Just use a good bore solvent and a toothbrush to clean the bead blasted areas.

You can also use paint thinner, Acetone, lacquer thinner, or most any other solvent, including soap spray cleaners like kitchen cleaners.
Usually, the dirt is fouling from firing, or.....DIRT from grubby hands, leather finish smears from a holster, etc.

Since its stainless, if you have a gun that's easy to fully disassemble like a Colt 1911 model, just disassemble it and stick it in the sink and scrub with kitchen soap and hot water.
Warm the parts up with the hot water and it'll flash dry itself.
Just make sure to apply a thin coat of a rust preventing lube, since even stainless will rust.
Simple Green! and a tooth brush...

I use water soluble cleaners a lot for gun cleaning. If you guys live in an area that has "Family Dollar Stores", they have a product called "Mean Green". I think it works as well, if not better than "Simple Green" for less money. :cool: