Best signs by protesters

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New member
Just to lighten things up a bit
The best sign seen so far by me "Gore, get out of Chaney's house" If in FLA. my sign would read "Hay Gore, I've got a dimple on my butt, do you want to count that one too?"
Keep the faith, we will win in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, of course, 'Sore Loserman' is a classical bit of inspiration. The inventor of that one should be coming up with $100,000 brand names in a marketing firm somewhere. ;)

I saw a kid with one that read 'Proud to be a Republican Thug'. :)

Then, there was 'Guck Fore'. ;)

One with a graphic of a box of Wheaties, with Al Gore's face on it ... it read 'Cheaties ... Breakfast of Chumpions'. ;)

And, finally, I enjoyed 'Al Gore is a Chad Molestor'. ;)

Who says 'conservatives' are boring? ;)

Don't forget to head out to a demonstration near you this coming Saturday, at 1:00pm. It's fun, and important.

Regards from AZ


New member
I got creative on the "Sore Loserman" sign.


New member
"If you can read this, you must be a Republican."

"I was distracted by a bright shiny object and voted wrong."

"Play with your chads too much and you could go blind."

Jeff Thomas

New member
Getting signs made ...

Has anyone found a good source for having protest signs made up? I usually do them by hand, but would like to find a reasonably priced source for having them professionally printed - hopefully one at a time, as unique signs.

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
Making professional-looking protest signs... easy!

To make many different signs as cheaply as possible, try this method!

Step 1. You can make just about any sign, using the clip-art artwork programs or word processing software on your computer, any size or style lettering you want.
Step 2. Then print up the 'sign' on a normal piece of paper on your computer's printer.
Step 3. Take your master copies to a quick print shop, or your local Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, etc. and blow them up to poster size. Most of the office supply stores have copiers to enlarge to poster and/or blueprint size.
Step 4. Tape those extra-large prints to foamboard.
Step 5. Color or accent your poster with colored marker or glue-stick on'ed artwork, underlines, etc. We underlined significant words with red strips colored posterboard.

Voila` ! Finis! :D

My wife and I made a couple dozen different signs this way to use at the Second Amendment Sisters counter-rally to the MMMs on Mother's Day in DC. They looked rather good, if I may say so myself!


New member
Was at the San Antonio Bush rally last Saturday. A couple of the best signs I saw:

"Gore - we'd send you back home, but they don't want you either"

"Jail to the Thief"

The rally was cool. Got to let off a lot of steam.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Received from a friend ...


FLORIDA: If you think we can't vote, wait till you see us drive.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction.

FLORIDA: We count more than you do.

FLORIDA: If you don't like the way we count then take I-95 and visit one of the other 56 states.

FLORIDA: We've been Gored by the bull of politics and we're Bushed.

FLORIDA: Relax, Retire, Revote.

FLORIDA: Viagra voters do it again!

FLORIDA: What comes after 17,311?

FLORIDA: Where your vote counts and counts and counts.

FLORIDA: This is what you get for taking Elian away from us.

FLORIDA: We don't just cheat in football.

FLORIDA: We're number one! Wait! Recount!


PALM BEACH COUNTY: So nice, we let you vote twice.

PALM BEACH COUNTY: We put the "duh" in Florida.

Highway Sign on I-95: Florida this way, no that way, 5 miles, no 10 miles (ad infinitum).


New member
I saw one the other day which pictured a dog taking a whiz on a Gore/Lieberman yard sign. Cracked me up because it sums up my sentiments exactly!

I guess having the Gore team in the White House wouldn't be so bad if they had to start each & every day letting half the population of the country take a collective whiz/dump on their heads! They'd be too busy trying to clean up to accomplish anything at all (besides hoepfully contracting some fairly nasty diseases.)


Moderator Emeritus
With graphics, this thread now stands at 188K!

Posting links instead of graphics will keep 'em open longer.

Some great pix, all. Thanks! :)
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