Best Shoot-em Up Movie?

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Not into watching NCAA basketball all weekend, looking to rent a couple of good shoot-em up movies. Any suggestions?


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I'll second Red Dawn. You gotta love Tombstone though if you are in a mood for the old west. Both also had the same director!

Other goodies

Black Hawk Down
We Were Soldiers


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Consider "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" and "Quigley Down Under."

Great movies with a few 'I wish I (or anybody) could shoot like that' scenes.

I've probably seen them about 10 times each, but still get a kick out of them.


Last Man Standing. (Bruce Willis)
The Negotiator. (Samul L Jackson)
The Rock. (Nicholas Cage)

Someone mentioned LA Confidential in another thread. Had it on the shelf and had never watched it yet so gave it a go. Add LA Confidential to the list!


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The Jackal- Bruce Willis. Western genre- Big Jake. But, my personal favorite: DVDs of The Rifleman TV series that my wife gave me last Christmas.


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Tears of the Sun. Really good if you have a nice surround sound system. Crank the bass and wait for the "saw" to come out.

All of the matrix movies are good. The first one has the best shooting in it. Any one out of the Blade trilogy.

If you want to see a lot of shooting for a horror flick, go see "the hills have eyes" at you local theater. Lots of gore the bad guys didn't mess around like most movies depict. They just get right to the killing.

Jeff #111

New member
The Untouchables w/ Costner and Connery
The Shootist
LA Confidential
Dirty Harry
Magnum Force
Rolling Thunder
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon 1

And all three Matrix movies, just for the fun of it.
If you can find a copy, Cross of Iron. Incredible movie about combat on the Eastern Front in WW II.

L.A. Confidential is always a winner in my book, too.


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If you have a good sound system and enjoy cowboy movies, Open Range has a good shootout towards the end. Don't count the six shooter rounds. It's Hollywood, so they can shoot 9-10 or 11 rounds a scene.
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