Best Semi Auto Deer Rifle For Best Price?


New member
Hey I'm trying to help an uncle find a semi automatic deer rifle and he doesn't want to spend to much, maybe under $500? Any suggestions are welcome, thanks!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
No way in hell I'd choose a shotgun if I was legal to use a rifle. I HATE shotgun hunting for deer.

I can't recommend an exact model in semiauto but I will say that I wouldn't be the least concerned with using a bolt. I've hunted with pump or bolt guns for 20 years and I could count on one hand the number of times it cost me a follow up shot.


New member
Your uncle could probably find a used Remington 742 at that price, probably less. But for the same money there are an awful lot of new and used bolt guns that are far better rifles. If I had one of the Remington auto's that had family history I'd keep it. I wouldn't buy another. Made that mistake once. They are very spotty on perfomance and even one of the good ones is not in the same league as a budget bolt gun.


New member
I love my 7400 30-06 and I just looked at one in a local shop for $399. Get a few spare mags with the extra $100 and your good to go. I would recommend staying away from the after market KKK 10 rd mags though. I bought 12 at a gun show and none would function SAFELY. They would jam every time. Often damaging the PRIMER!. I don't use anything that doesn't work safely every time.


New member
I dont know where you hunt. But, you may want to consider that some states (like PA) dont allow SA for hunting. I shoot a Remy 7600 and I have never had a issue with follow up shots. Actually I only needed a follow up 1 time. 30-06 drops them in the tracks if you hit them right. For that matter so does a 30-30, 243, 270, etc...
You can find a gently used 7600 for $300 or the SA version 750 in your range.


New member
Remington 7400 w/factory mags, in your choice of caliber, that's the ticket !!
More refined Browning means more money, but available in magnum calibers.


New member
I believe the ONLY 2 semi-autos available in "deer calibers" at $500 or less would be a used Remington 740s, 742s or 7400s as well as an SKS. I have had dozens of Remingtons come through my shops in the last 45 years or so. (I have been a gunsmith now for 42 years)
These rifles get mixed reviews. Some are accurate and trouble free, but others are not very accurate and jam a lot.
You take your chances with them, and what's more, Remington’s customer service is legendary as being almost non-existent. So if you get a bad one……….oh well..!

Now the SKS on the other hand is ugly and fires a shell that is about like a 30-30, but they shoot pretty well, and are super rugged and reliable as a rule. If you are hunting at 200 yds and less, I’d take the SKS over the Remingtons even if both were offered to me for free. The SKS falls down if you need more power than a 7.62X39 can offer.

In sporting (non-military) rifles for hunting I’d put the Browning BARs at the top, but you are not likely to touch one for $500. Good used ones go for about $750 around here. Not all of them are super accurate either, but most are quite good. 2 MOA or a bit less is average from them. If you get one that’s not accurate Browning is a good company to work with in its customer service. They take good care of you.


New member
The Browning BARs are probably good deals right now. They're wood/steel with internal mag, so they probably aren't super high demand like other tacticool models. When things were sane, the FNAR (tacticool BAR) was a fabulous deal at around a grand.



New member
I was thinking a Remington Model 8 but don't know if you'd be able to find one in your price range. I'd look for one in .35 Remington. I saw one at the last gun show for around $600 (I think it was) and it was in pretty nice shape. Wasn't in the market for a new rifle at the time since I had cash earmarked for a CMP Garand.



New member
How about . . .


Good woods gun; similiar to .30.30, and can fire spitzer bullets.

Virtually no kick to speak of.

And the paratrooper is so sweet.




Good woods gun; similiar to .30.30, and can fire spitzer bullets.

Virtually no kick to speak of.

And the paratrooper is so sweet.


The paratrooper's short barrel saps a bit of the x39's velocity, which it desperately needs to be compared to the 30/30 .......

30/30 gives 150 gr @ 2300 from 20" barrel.

7.62x39 gets you 123gr @ 2400 from a 20" barrel.

Lop 4" off that barrel and velocity (and energy) falls pretty fast.

Why does the gun need to be semi-auto?


New member
SKS Maybe

I recommended the SKS to him and he thought it was cool, but there is a nice Remington 742 Woodsmaster on going for $400 OBO with no scratches on the wood or metal and has a scope mount. I'll see what he thinks. Thanks for the suggestions!


New member
You didn't say what cartridge that 742 is in and we don't know the hunting conditions he will be under but in the general scheme of things I'd take a 742 over and SKS any day of the week. Times 2 if it's a short action cartridge.