Best Primer/Bullet Sealer?

Sgt. Mike

New member
Military, being IMI and L.C. seal their bullets using tar. I've tried this and for some reloads it works fine. Has anyone tried anything else besides the really expensive "finger nail polish"? In Missouri it does rain or snow during hunting season. Actually this year I think it's rained about double of normal. Ammunition getting wet is an issue. All help appreciated. Thanks in advance. Sgt. Mike


New member
Actually, the interference fit of primers and bullets makes getting anything into a cartridge pretty difficult. I suspect that bullet sealers are really more about increasing bullet pull than anything else-A way to get more uniform ballistics. I suppose that complete immersion in a penetrating solvent might occassionally kill a primer but I've never had a problem with them simply getting rained on.

Of course none of that answers your question.


New member
no reason to seal the primer or bullet. as mentioned the frcition fit is good enough for but the most extreme conditions. I don't think that Missouri will ever have that kind of extreme weather. I figure if the weather is that bad I won't be out in it anyway.
Ditto. Do a search on the various experimental attempts to neutralize even an old tray of primers with solvents or water or even penetrating oil, and pretty much nothing works reliably. The sealant on the priming mix is that good. Tuck it into a primer pocket, and now you have weak cousin to those copper compression fittings that are probably under a sink in your house somewhere.

If you are going to go diving in a hundred feet of water with the stuff, then maybe the molten pitch bullet sealant or the primer varnish makes some sense? But simple capillary action at surface pressures isn't going to do it.


New member
Wet doesn't matter.

If you plan on submerging it under pressure for prolonged periods, then I'd consider it.


New member
It tends to rain on me too.

I've "sealed" my hunting ammo for years with cheap fingernail polish. Don't really know how effective it really is but I've never had a failure to fire.

I just paint a coat of the nail polish, clear but sometimes color, around the case mouth and a dab smeared over the primer, both are wiped with a finger to leave no more than a light coat in the crevices. If a thin coat won't do it, neither will a thick one.


New member
Roy's is the stuff I use if I have to seal primers. Just a dab with the brush and let it dry. Midway or Midsouth should have it.


New member
I've had un-sealed reloads and no telling how many .22lr go through the wash in my jeans pockets. They all shot just fine later.