Best practice .22LR?


New member
I'm looking for something to simulate my Beretta 96FS for IDPA/ IPSC practice. Control placement, overall size and shape should be similar.

So far I've got 3 candidates:

Beretta .22LR conversion kit
Pros: Exactly the same as the 96
Cons: expensive and hard to find

Sig Mosquito
Pros: good ergonomics & price
Cons: bad reputation

Walther P22
Pros: good price and reliability
Cons: ergonomics aren't quite right

Any more candidates to add to my list? Any thoughts?

David the Gnome

New member
The Ruger Mk III 22/45 would have a similar grip angle although considerably thinner. It is a much higher quality gun than the Sig or Walther.


New member

There exists the potential that an oft-fired B96 will require significant and costly parts replacement that preclude it from serious competition use.
(Doesn't make it 'bad', just perhaps not ideally suited for high rd-ct competition).
Lesser-power handloads can extend service life drastically.

Suggest factoring that reality into your 22LR practice-gun considerations.

I know; don't believe me.
Ask the US Border Patrol.



New member
CZ Kadet? Not exactly the same as a Beretta, but probably similar in that both are usually for people with "big hands." And people seems to like their Kadets.


Staff In Memoriam
+1 on the MKIII 22/45. Mine is the bull barrel 5-5.5 (whatever factory is I fergit) and it weighs in at 36 ounces so it has the heft of a larger gun but not bad nose heavy.


New member
The CZ Kadet looks like it would've worked, but I elected to go with the SIG.
Thanks for the info tho'. If the SIG doesn't work out I'll look into the CZ.
*edit* All,
Mk IIIs and Buckmarks do not suit my purpose.


New member
I elected to go with the SIG.

If you shoot a Beretta, I can tell you from experience that you will like the factory conversion kit.

I have long since sold mine - not a Beretta guy, I guess - but it was a quality unit and will most closely perform like its centerfire counterpart.

Contact Beretta directly...that's how I bought mine...

Many will tell you that the Mosquito is a problematic piece. There's nothing like malfs to discourage someone from shooting...

chris in va

New member
CZ Kadet. Better ergonomics, similar size and weight.

I see you went with the Sig Mosquito. Ouch. Hopefully you'll get one that works.

David the Gnome

New member
I think a quick search over on the Sig Forum may have swayed you against the Sig Mosquito. I wish you the best of luck with it in any case.


New member
I think a quick search over on the Sig Forum may have swayed you against the Sig Mosquito. I wish you the best of luck with it in any case.
It did, actually. But then after visiting the Ar-15 forum I felt comfortable risking it. Turns out that the lemons were all sold out back in '07.

Took it out to the range today. First 50 rounds or so had about 10% malfunctions, but the next 300 rounds ran fine aside from 2 light strikes, which touched off on restrike.

Long-short, it works fine.


New member
The Beretta 87 Target would be a good choice. I was looking at one a while back at the gun shop and it looks like a pretty cool little .22 pistol. Most of the controls are the same as your 96FS, with the exception of a frame mounted safety lever.



New member
goSlash, Im looking for the same thing a 22 that is similair to my medium sized Sigma9mm and Couger9MM. After shooting the Sig, would you recommend it?



New member
Yeah, I saw the Cienar conversion just this morning. Grumble grumble.. :eek:

goSlash, Im looking for the same thing a 22 that is similair to my medium sized Sigma9mm and Couger9MM. After shooting the Sig, would you recommend it?
Well, I've only put one brick through it so far. I'd feel more comfortable making a recommendation with at least 1,000 rounds through it.
But so far it runs just fine. controls are well-placed and it's a natural pointer, but the magazine is awkward to load, the slide mounted safety is hard to get at, and the decocker is stiff.
This thing would really do a good job simulating a Cougar. Just don't get an old one.