Best place to get window blinds? Brand Recommendations?

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Dr. Dave

New member
I need to get window blinds for my new house. I'm thinking about going with the nice wooden horizontal blinds, something about two inches wide. Any recommendations as to who would have the best prices? I live in Austin Texas, so are there any environmental concerns (bright sun, etc.)?

Also, do wooden blinds hold up well? Should I consider a wood look-alike?

Is it OK to use wooden blinds in a bathroom? I'm wondering if the wood will be affected by the humidity.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
This is for your hunt camp, right? To cut glare while you shoot from a window at Ol' Bucky? You know, guns 'n' stuff :)

I have some of the cheapest plastic blinds my wife could find at Builder's Square (or equivalent) which are just now giving up after seven years in Terlingua sun. You oughta get 15 years use, in Austin. Heck, Austintatious has shade trees and suchlike!

I would not use wooden blinds in the bathrooml, unless they had been painted with an epoxy...

:), Art


Staff Alumnus
Dr. Dave:

This thread is closed because it's off-topic. Posts must be firearms related. If you have any further questions, feel free to email me.

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