Best of TFL? TFL's greatest hits?


New member
I am constantly in the dog house for how much time I spend on this forum. I will sometimes do searches for hours and delve deep into the TFL past. There's just so much good stuff here. Funny as hell stuff. Heated arguments that play out as a well written drama for gun nuts. Tons of good quotes, usefull info and just all around good reading. That got me to thinking, what's the best thing you've read here? I may not have seen it yet and I will probably want to. I can't narrow it down to just one thing but if there's something, somewhere in here that you think we should all see, please tell us where to find it. I feel a sticky comming on.:D

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
The pointy stick thread definitely has to be the "punniest" of all time :D. It should hold a Guinness Record for the most puns ever assembled in one place.


New member
Oh boy. I've got a bunch of links that I saved of some of my favorites, and yes, some of these are really prehistoric! Here you are.

Reasons why a handgun is better than a wife

You know you're a gun nut if...

The TFL Commandments

Yo Mama So Tactical...

Website with tons of manuals (actual thread name: This guy should be up for Sainthood!!)

You Know You're a Concealed Weapons Carrier If:

Lines I'd Like to Hear in a Horror Movie Someday...

LawDog Files - The Definitive Collection

I have many more that I've saved in the past few years, but usually they're for some specific information (how to replace a specific part of one of my guns, links to a reference page or online store, etc). These are a few of them that are worth pointing out, either for the information on them, or simply for the humor!


New member
My personal favorite: Rich calls LuckyinKentucky and his 0.16 MOA Dragunov out.
RugerOldArmy said:
Admit it Gewehr98, your one shot groups were even better than that. But you are a government trained former sharpshooter so your shooting error is null or none. I heard some of your 600M one shot groups were merely .308 across, and your 800M one shot groups expanded to no more than 7.62mm.

Some say it is the gun, personally, I think you are a fine judge of wind drift and drop.



New member
I'd forgotten about that entire LuckyinKentucky exchange, but almost had a terminal case of the giggles from re-reading it! Also reminded me of the various threads that have been posted over the years which contain the link to the original "Mall Ninja" exchange. Here's one of them, and please return your beverages to a non-keyboard-threatening location before following the link out to the Glock Talk exchange! :)


New member
Just read through the ENTIRE luckyinkentucky thread... hillarious:D I've gotta buy a new keyboard now, spit dew all over this one. I like this thread, gives newer members (myself included) a look at some of the best and funniest threads dating back before some of us joined. Now I am off to change my drawers, too funny:eek: Good thread, useful and some humor as well.


New member
the luckyinkentucky thread, alot of lawdog stuff, and the mall ninja stuff will never die. It will ALWAYS be funny.....