Best Model 66???


New member
Which is the best S&W Model 66 with a 4 inch barrel?

I'm looking for one, and I know I want the 4 inch barrel and the wood grips. What I'm not sure about is which one. I know I don't want the new ones with the lock. I've heard about the "pinned barrel and recessed cylinder", although I'm still not exactly sure if there is any benefit to it. I'm also not sure I need the hammer mounted firing pin, though I'd like it because would match my 686. I'm also told that the earlier S&W's are better quality than the newer ones. Oh, and then there's that political sellout thing.

Anyway, should I get a 66-1, 66-2, etc., and what years in particular should I look for?


New member
I wouldn't get too hung up on the manufacturing date. Since you are looking at a stainless gun, the more recent alloys might be a little better or have a better heat treatment. Supposedly, the early stainless guns were a little soft. I do not know how true this is. It is true that the most recent guns have suffered from quality control problems. I don't think the 66 is very common now, so you may have to take what you can get.