Best methods of car/truck concealed cary -- practical, not a legal discussion.


New member

I am considering setting up my car for carrying a J-frame, or Makarov PM (or CZ-82), or maybe even a 1911 Government.

I have the required CCW in my state, and I know the laws. I am wondering where/how you folks carry in your vehicles?

There is the glove compartment, of course. But where else do you conceal a handgun? Should it be on your person, or better hidden somewhere handy in the car? Are there holsters designed to sit under the seat, for example?

I do not plan to carry the gun outside of the car.

I've searched this forum, and not yet found what I'm looking for. any suggestions?



New member
I used to use The Kingston from DeSantis (not sure if they make it anymore though). However I don't use it anymore, now I just keep one in the center console 24/7...this isn't counting my daily carry that's on my body.

Pics, inside my truck:

COVERED (I know it's not a very good cover but it works)



New member
I guess my answer doesn't help-- because I do plan to carry outside of the car whenever possible. One thing I hate, absolutely HATE is leaving a firearm in the car. Obviously, I get annoyed when any where I have to go won't allow me to carry it, but more than that, I don't like leaving it in a car to be stolen.

Cars are magnets for theft. More so when to take it to a place where your time away from it can be better estimated by the bad guys. Movie theatre or sporting event, for example. You park and leave, they can have a safe bet that you won't return in the next 10 mins.

There are a couple rare occasions when I carry in the car, but off-body. That's when I'm not dressed with appropriate clothes to properly wear a holster or when I'm on a l-o-n-g car trip, usually pleasure travel with family, and the holster digs in to the body after an hour or two. In those rare cases, it goes in the console/armrest, where it's legal in my state.

Most states are VERY specific about how a loaded firearm may be placed in a vehicle. Ohio is certainly very specific about it. I would think that researching what is and is NOT legal in your state would be a better place to start this discussion.


Agree with Sevens. While in the car though I like to keep my handgun off my body in a Wilderness holster or an old Shadow Concealment System holster tucked between the seat and the console.


New member
theres a metal plate with a magnetic strip you can attatch under the steering column, you can just stick the gun under there and have quick access to it. I havent tried it, but my friend keeps a glock 22 stuck under the dash, and you'd never know it was there. He even keeps a 6'' tanto blade stuck down by the seatbelt release. I just keep my gun IWB at about 1 to 3 o'clock, and It's always reachable. I like the under dash idea, because if you leave a gun in the vehicle, hiding it would be a good idea, so hiding it and having it at the ready are really key. well, just one suggestion. good luck


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I have a map pocket on the side of my center console; I use an inexpensive ambidextrous IWB holster that sits in and is clipped over the map pocket; I use this to hold my CCW firearm (S&W 642) while driving


New member
I generally keep my 38spl Rossi in or around my console. And either my SBS 7" Mossberg 500(like a Serbu Shorty) or my Winchester 94 Trapper under my rear bench seat(pickup truck).


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When I vechicle carry, I usually just stick a revolver in a soft case under the driver's seat or behind the passenger seat depending on which car I'm driving (I have two). It's not the ideal setup but it's what works best given the interiors of the cars I drive.


New member
Since this not about legalities and since we can't always have the firearm with us, and since you already know that and don't need to be reminded of it, I will speak to your original question.

I have found ways to conceal firearms in three differnt vehicles. One of them was even broken into, a conversion van, and burglarized. They got a ceiling mounted tv and few other things but never found the revolver. I still have it today. Contrary to what others say, there is really no reason you can't leave a firearm in the vehicle without it being stolen unless they take the whole vehicle. You just have to be more clever than the thieves.

One vehicle had stereo speakers on both sides of the dash that were no longer being used and the speaker grill, if unscrewed from inside the dash, would pop in or out. It was perfect because I could reach up under and behind the dash with my left hand and pop the grill out and there sat a .44 spec revolver. All I had to do was reach into the speaker hole and retrieve the revolver - about a little over a second.

In a Chevy pickup I used to have I kept a Browning Hi-Power wedged on the floor to the left and rear under the driver's seat down near the metal seat attachments and rails and and the little bit of butt that protruded looked for all the world like a part of the metal seat structure. It was hidden in plain sight and while sitting in the seat, all I had to do was reach down and grab the butt with index finger and thumb and I had it in less than a second.

I know that these scenarios will probably not work in your particular situation, but the point is that I would go out to the car and stare at it for a long time and climb all through it and and hang under the dash and look for potential spots even if you have to make slight modifications to do it. There is probably a way. Something that might help is one of these -

Think outside the box.



New member
BTW, I've had cars burglarized several times which makes me really adamant about keeping my firearms. My very first one was while I was in the army and I had an Austin Healey convertible broken into just to get a jacket off of the passenger seat.

I never leave anything in sight inside the car that tempts potential thieves to break in the first place. I know those that still do it that have been lucky so far.



New member

inexpensive 16rnd 9mm in passenger seatback map pocket

easy to reach over the console and draw it from the out-of-sight pocket

might not fit your particular car or needs but works for me


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On me or in a holster I mounted between the center console and my seat, the inexpensive kydex holsters are pretty easy to mount just about anywhere just drill a couple of holes in the belt slots or paddle and put it wherever it fits. Just be sure not to keep it where you keep your registration and insurance info. Things might get a little uncomfortable if you get pulled over;).


New member
if you have a center console never put your gun in it when you leave the car, same goes for glove box, thats the 1st 2 places they look.

Like others said you either need to get creative about where you stash it, or get a locking box for it. right now i put mine under the center console (folding seat) more likely they will look in the center console than under it.

I have had my truck broken into twice, once my pistol was stolen (it was in center console) and glove box was open. they smash and grab everything they can see of value and probably just check the hot spots like center console glvoe box and visor then get out of there. the 2nd time my wife left her purse on the floor board. they busted window grabbed it and the stereo. although i couldnt tell i imagine they looked in the center consloe and glove box.

When I'm driving I just wedge mine between the seats by the seat belt, i've been thinking about getting more creative but it works so well i might not bother. its easy to get to, still concealed (texas law) and seems to remain in place very well. I've always thought having it near seat belt release is a good place too in the event of a carjacking, if they catch you by suprise and tell you to get out of the vehicle you can unbuckle your seat belt and grab your gun in one swoop, hopefully with the car jacker unaware you just armed yourself.


I carry in my vehicle exactly the same way I carry ambulating around...IWB, @ around 11 o'clock. Easily accessible when strapped in with a seat belt.


Just something to think about--I know that the glove box or center console are attractive for gun storage. However, I suggest that you stow your firearm in a location where you will not have to move it in order to access any material likely to be requested in a traffic stop. Not because you're trying to conceal it from the officer but rather in the interest of keeping your interaction more relaxed. ;)


New member
+1 John KSA

This is why my registration and insurance card are in the glove box, but the pistol (if not on my body) is in the center console. Console Vault locking compartment, with three dial combo lock and steel access panel.

Could a thief break into it? Yes, but it would require cutting tools, and would not be very stealthy.

Easy to install, made for most cars and trucks that have center consoles, and under $300.

However, the pistol is usually on me. It normally only goes in the console if I'm someplace I can't carry, or transiting South Carolina... (only state near me where my permits aren't good).


New member
I went counter to the rule that you have to have a pickup truck in Texas ... I drive a small two-seater and the glovebox is so close, it's easy to reach the Taurus 85 I keep inside it in a gunsock ... we don't take my car when we're going out (where the car would be parked for a long period in a parking lot) so I don't worry about it being stolen; the glovebox is always locked when I'm away from the car even for just a minute ...