Best liberal forums to debate on?

simonov jr

New member
Seems like all the good ones crash and burn. The rosey forum went down and now the DU forum is only letting "contributors" post. What's a pro-self defense debater to do for a good argument these days?


New member
I spend a lot of time on Tori Amos boards, but I'm not sure I want people coming in there preaching to everyone. It's a community, and one I really like, even though I differ with them on a lot of political matters. They are basically good people.


New member
Well, I am not sure if these are forums per say, but these places advocate anti-gun rhetoric to be sure :barf:

1. Violence Policy
3. Handgun



New member
I went over and took a look at and it looks like
a day care center for whiny liberals
The section that the chat forums are under is called SLC Central. SLC stands for Secret Liberal Cabal. :)


New member
Liberal, forum, liberal, forum, liberal, forum, liberal, forum, liberal, forum, liberal? :confused: I don't get it. Is this some sort of an oxymoron like fat-free food?


New member
Wait. Isn't the internet myth debunking site? Since when do they have a forum?

Oh yeah. And I'm a liberal. ;)


New member
Wyldkid, you're becoming a CLASSIC liberal, which is significantly different from the current crowd of folks who seem to think that more government is better... Washington, Jefferson, et al, were classic liberals...

When I'm sittin' in my living room, playing a DVD at high volume (and I'm gonna keep doing this...), I enjoy knowing that I can watch what I want to watch, read what I want to read, worship at whichever tree I wish to worship at, etc., and that it's all backed up by #2...


New member
I'm feeling like a pain in the behind today, so I'm going to add this comment...

When you go out trying to find a forum for like-minded people, just so you can bash their opinions and beliefs... how are you any better than an anti-gun troll coming in here doing the same to us?


New member
go out trying to find a forum for like-minded people, just so you can bash their opinions and beliefs...

I, for one, and I imagine most others in this forum that go there, will not go to bash their beliefs, but to express a different view in a forum where they will hear it. If they don't like it, sorry.
It is one thing to express our view and another to bash them.