Best hunting trip. (a little long)


New member
Friday (11-6-09), I took my 8 year old Daughter hunting with me. She has been dying to go. I get out to the food plot a little before 5pm and set up a ground blind in some tall grass. Time started to crawl by. Like most 8 year old girls the chattering never stopped. Around 5:40 pm, I handed her my cell phone to look at the pictures. About half way through the pics, of course, a nice Doe comes walking across the food plot. I pointed out the Doe and I can see the excitement on her face. I raised my rifle and she put her finger in her ears, bang, we had a nice Doe on the ground.:) She was ready to bust out of the blind to go see the deer. The deer was shot at 61 paces (65 of her paces, I have been told). We loaded her up and took her to the processor.
Now the next day, she bounced out of bed at 5:15 am to go hunting again, I sent her back to bed telling her it is to cold for her. That evening we went to another farm and set up the blind again. This time at o dark thirty (5:50 or so) we had another Doe come out not 15 feet away. This time I woke her up (she was resting her eyes), and pointed out another deer. As I aimed at this one , it turned away and all I could see was it's rear end, however, a second deer came out and it turned, then the third came out broad side, I cocked the hammer was about to fire and my daughter unzipped the side window on the blind. The deer was gone.:mad: She got the "grumpy" daddy look. But she was still happy to see the deer. We are now joking about the "White tails" that we saw. One of the BEST hunting trips ever.;)


Staff In Memoriam
Great experience for her! And you too! I know all to well how to make all of the various "grumpy dad looks"...:D


New member
Great lessons and experience.

Great story and experience for your daughter. The fact that she got to see the good, the bad, and the ugly is awesome. Nice job on your part for not keeping her out too long.

So, let's review. She learned that deer don't just show up the second you plop down in your blind. Got to see what Dad goes through to put deer meat in the freezer. Most important, that deer don't stick around long when you mess up.

Well done Dad!


New member
Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your daughter and that is a great bonding experience for the both of you.



New member
Good job! There are lots of kids who could benefit from a parent who will involve their child in their hobbies and interests. That's how I first became interested in hunting...when my dad took me.