Best gun prank ever


New member
For a sec I thought it was going to be one of those adolescent things with an airsoft toy but that was awesome. I'm sure she will never play with a firearm irresponsibly like that again let alone want to ever see one again.


Staff In Memoriam
My lovely bride woulda' muther f'er-ed my butt than threw the gun at me and she can flat hurl objects with lethal accuracy...:eek: But I did laugh my butt off knowing that was no staged schoolkid video!:D


New member
Staged. Stupid though.

But I'll give you a better one. Several of us gifted our attorney with what was purported to be a fully automatic firearm. As he was looking at it with great joy, two FBI agent friends of ours, who were part of the joke, burst into his office, demanded to see the firearm and presented him with a search warrant for his office. We had also stowed a couple of baggies of flour in the box the firearm had been stowed in.
So now he's caught with an automatic firearm as well as cocaine. I didn't know his eyes could get so wide and his mouth hang open an far as it did, nor realize how fast he could stutter.:eek::D:D


New member
First, I would never do that to my wife, of all people! Second, that was friggin hilarious, how can you possibly think that was staged?


New member
Well, I seem to remember him saying "I told her not to mess with it, and she's doing just that..." I'd say she needed to have the begeezus scared out of her--might save her from blowing her own head off from messing with it when he's not around.

Kinda reminds me of what a friend and I did to his younger sister once when we were about 16 or so. She use to like coming around fiddling with things when she thought no one was around, so we loaded his .357 with empty brass and one with a primer. Sure as the sun comes up, she started messing around being "curious" one day unsupervised and found the chamber with the primer. Scared the living hell out of her and scorched the closet door pretty good--she never went into his room again, even when he was there. His dad wasn't real happy about it, but the girl was rock-stupid and went out of her way to do exactly what anyone said spacifically not to. Finally learned her lesson on that one.


New member
Dumb video. A real husband shows his wife how to handle a gun safely with patience, not scaring the living **** out of her. :barf:

Evan Thomas

New member
"Always thought that every gun "prank" was moronic."

Yah... and actually, "gun prank" is sort of OXYmoronic, if y'ask me.

Not funny.