Best entry level 1911?

Ruger # 1

New member
I really want a 1911 variation, something plain jane that I can add to as I desire.I want a 45 ACP. What is the best buy out there right now. The only one I've really checked out was a Charles Daly. It was pretty nice, but I am curious about what else is out there. Thanks for the help!


Don't know if this will help or hinder.

I own a Kimber Pro Carry 1911, modified, my carry gun.

I want a Springfield Armory, basic, to be modified.

I don't have any dealings with the RIA brand so I can't comment. Have had with the SA so that is why I am going in that direction.



New member
Springfield Armory. Battle proven!
Which battle?

If I understand the guys over at 1911forum correctly.

The Charles Daily, Armscor, and Rock Island Armory are all made by Armscor in the Philippines. Perhaps because of the low price ($$284.50 dealer price) the RIA has alot of fans.

Kahr/Auto Ordance is another option. I belive their parts are machined in Spain and the gun is assembled here in America. Much better reports since Kahr took over.

Springfiled Armory is probably the most popular "starter" 1911 at this time. They are made in Brazil with some of the custom/semi-custom models assembled here as well. The SAs cost more than the previous optons, but people tend to belive they will last longer.

Taurus is coming out with a 1911 in the "starter" price range. This could be one to consider.

If I have missed any, or made any mistakes, I'm sorry. Plese feel free to correct me as I'm learning about this vast subject as I go.



New member
I just went through the same decision making process. I bought a Springfield 1911-A1 milspec about 3 weeks ago. Took it to the range last weekend and ran 200 rounds through it and it functioned flawlessly.

It is a bit more expensive that the SA GI model, but it has better sights and the ejection port is enlarged and tapered - two nice bonuses.

It is the best deal for the money, gives you a mispec that you can build up on and is a real beauty.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I have the Chas Daly "field enhanced EMS" (Commander) and I like mine. I have heard a lot of folks say they've had trouble with them, and it seems like folks either hate 'em or love 'em, no middle ground. When I first got mine, I did have some problems with rounds failing to chamber completely. I read up on them and it seems that 99% of the problems with the Chas Daly come from either the magazines (factory ones are crappy) or too light a recoil spring. I threw away the factory mags and bought Chip McCormick match grade mags, and installed a heavier, 18# Wilson recoil spring, and... problem solved! I've had no trouble with it since.


New member
Hey I will voice in for a CD also as a starter 1911. After I put a new extractor and 18 lb. spring in mine and did some polishing, it has been spot-on in terms of accuracy and reliability. It has all the extra features of the higher priced 1911s. A comparible Springfield [Loaded model] is about $700. CD full sized, out the door for less than $400.

Sir William

New member
Three choices. The Colt M1991A1 NRM, the Rock Island 1911 and the Charles Daly version of the Rock Island 1911. The best used option is a Norinco 1911.

XD Niner

New member
+1 on the Springfield Mil Spec. It is an excellent value and has a life time warranty. That's a tough act to beat. :cool:


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Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt


New member
I like Colts.

The Springfield Mil-Spec is the best entry level 1911 out there though. Dollar for dollar, you will not find more 1911 for your money. It has what is important, and lets you decide the rest.


New member
Another vote for the Springfield MilSpec. It's already got the lowered ejection port and better sights so you can more easily customize it. I've got two and both came very well fitted and are reliable and very accurate. Plus, Springfield has terrific customer service - if you should ever need it.


New member

Llama makes a 1911 Gov't model and if you check the website, almost every part is interchangable with other 1911's. Now THERE'S an entry level 1911.


New member
#1 - Colt. Hands down it's the best choice for entry level.
It's not "As good" as a Colt, it's not "like a Colt" in every respect, it's not "colt-like" it IS a Colt,,and no matter what you do to it shorth of chopping it up,,it will always BE a Colt.

Couple words of warning:

- Norinco's have taken on a cult following. There's nothing special about them. Unscurpulous sellers are charging a heavy premium for the name. If you find one, bear in mind a Norinco is about a $250- $350 pistol,,,not a $700 - $750 one,,, like some are asking for them.

- Llama has a lot of negative history to overcome. They have a reputation for spotty workmanship. Things may have changed. *shrug* Don't know/don't care - there's no shortage of other makers that have kept or tried to keep their noses clean over the years.


New member
Ruger #1, I echo Mathman and Hal.

If you want the 1911 that every maker emulates, then buy a Colt. It is THE original and the proven 1911.

I have found that today's Colt products are the best that Colt has ever made. The are comprised of excellent material and are well-fitted.

A stock-factory Colt also makes for a super platform upon which to add those one or two specific components you desire. Or if you wish, it is, IMO, the perfect platform upon which build a unique dream gun.

Two Colt models that I have used as platforms for two custom 1911's are:

Colt 1991 series Model 01991 Government.
Colt 1991 series Model 04691 Commander.

I wish you luck with your decision.
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New member
I'll agree that the Springfield might be the best bang for the buck. My first foray into the 1911 world was with a "loaded" SA that was nothing buy trouble. And, one of my biggest gripes was that they gave you fancy rosewood grips but not tritium sights. Kinda like putting the cart before the horse, if you ask me.

Anyway, maybe SA has come along in QC. The mil-spec gives you a barebones pistol to build up as you like. I wouldn't buy one, but I can't say that you shouldn't.

What I did buy, just as soon as I offloaded the SA, was a Colt ORM 1991. It ran flawlessly and gave me many happy experiences at the range and on the job. There is nothing like having a Colt on your hip. I liked it so much that I couldn't get a NRM 1991 fast enough. Now I have two Colts, both tricked out by Ted Yost.

I'm a happy fellow.

Dave Sample

Colt makes the only platform that is worth spending money on to improve for your enjoyment of saying "I did This and That to MY 1911". At least you would have something of value to start out with.
"What's cheap, is expensive." EAGLE'S LAW.


New member
A "best buy" is the Springfield GI or Mil-Spec.

Colt is good, but you will spend at least $200 more than the Springfield. If you can find a Colt to look at, then compare to see if the price difference is worth it to you.