Best Detachable Magazine for a Yugo SKS?


New member
So I've been looking for the best detachable mag option for my Yugo SKS. It's an M59 model (non-66), though I'm sure they're pretty much the same when it comes to the stock. So by now, it's probably obvious that I'm looking to use it with the original stock.

I've heard of mags fitting Chinese variants unmodified, but I can't verify that. I've heard that the Tapco mags are thick and won't fit, and that I'd have a better chance of the Promag stuff working, though I've heard people say they won't fit either, or will be tight. I mean, a little tight is fine, but I want to make sure the things are usable.

Anyone use a detachable mag on their Yugo SKS with it's original stock? If so, which did you go with, and how well has it worked for you?

I'm thinking to maybe order a promag and a tapco, and see if either, or both fit. Then go with whichever is better overall. I hope someone has a recommendation. Thanks for any help you can give me!


The Tapco 20 rounders seem to work well for most people. Your wood stock might need a tad of fitting though. Nothing 10 minutes with a dremel tool won't solve. Best bet is to use the Tapco mags and not the others... they have a good reb for reliability. Then again I keep my M59/66A1 in stock config w/ 10 rnd mag fed by Czech made high quality stripper clips. Can reload super fast.


New member
definitetly the tapco 20 round. the promags used to be riddled with problem, but they all seem to work fine now as well. i even have a couple pro-mag 40 rounders that work perfectly. but the tapco are the best quality, and it isnt very much more than promag, plus the tapco can be find at most sporting goods stores.


New member
So it seems like no matter what I go with, I'll have to use a dremmel tool? I was essentially looking for something that I wouldn't have to do that with, but visually, it seems they're all similar.

But I guess if Tapco is (probably) the better mag, I'm better off going with them? I'll give them a try. I may order some of that Wolf ammo on clearance at Midway along with it. :p


New member
I had a couple of Chinese made SKSs that I briefly used with detachable magazines but I was never happy with them. I always went back to the stripper clips. I certainly wouldn't permanently modify an SKS to use detachable magazines when there are plenty of rifles out there that are designed for use with detachable magazines.


New member
I had a Norinco for a brief moment, only did one range trip. It had two steel 30 round mags. One was ok, but the other would bulge at the top when fully loaded. The duckbill on one of them was bent up when I got it so I had to reform that.

I have a 59/66 that came with a ProMag 20 rounder, but I haven't used it yet. It does feel more sturdy than the two steel ones I had.

I think with the duckbill on the SKS I would go with the polymer mags, Tapco specifically. The two steel ones I had experience with flexed/bent way too much to give me any confidence in them.


New member
I too prefer the tapco, but if the ultimate goal is to not have to dremel out the sidewall, the the steel is the only option.