"best Customer Service!"


New member
I always put Ruger and Glock at the top of any list describing manufacturers with the best customer service. Now I feel compelled to add Springfield Armory to the short list.

Without going in to all the deatils thus boring the hell out of everyone here, suffice it to say that I called about a problem, they paid the shipping back to them, fixed the problem, threw in 2 new mags and a set of night sights. Oh, my gun was back in my hands in 6 days. I am extremely impressed.

Going to pick up a full sized gubmint model tuesday, just to show the support I feel they deserve. (hell, I wanted a new 45 anyways)

Mal H

Good show SA!

They threw in a set of night sights? That goes above and beyond. And you're going to buy a new SA pistol. This is a testimonial that good customer service does have its rewards.

Chuck McDonald

New member
Smith & Wesson

The best service I have seen is Smith & Wesson. Lifetime warranty on new guns.

Older product is repaired at fair prices for excellent quality work.

I just had a M28-2 rebuilt and refinished... very reasonable price and excellent work.

As an aside... worst I have experienced was EAA.




New member
Glock and Ruger are the top two IME.

Sig Sauer actually has good customer service, they fixed my P239's trigger system (which had broke at the 500 round mark) at no charge and had the gun back to me in a reasonable amount of time.


New member

That's a great report! :D

What kind of problem did you have with your Springfield, and what model is it?


New member
Kel-Tec does a nice job....

I've communicated with Kel-Tec on several occasions and they seem to be on-top of the customer service thing.

Sharon and Valerie are very pleasant to deal with over the phone.

Eric Larsen

New member
From personal experience....CZUSA, Kahr and Ruger are the tops.
From what I hear....S&W, Keltec and others are also great....

EAA, Taurus and others are lacking in ALOT of regards....

Shoot well


New member

I bought a V10 Loaded Ultra Compact in Stainless and it was rusting horribly, in the areas that were matte finished and bead blasted. Was told that some carbon steel particles made their way into the sandblast tank then were bead blasted on top of sealing them there to rust. Also was rusting to the point of pitting on the grip safety. Other areas rusted prematurely as well. no functional issues, has performed flawlessly. I am anal in my maintenance and this gun is 6 months old. The grip safety is supposed to be stainless but had an anodized aluminum instead. Now has a SS hardchromed Grip safety. Top notch work and service. Will post before and afters when I get some more time.


New member
Henry Repeating Arms...

I called for a free manual for my new Lever Action Repeater...

I mentioned that I had (AND LOVED) a Henry U.S. Survival Rifle (AR-7)... but that the trigger was REALLY stiff...

the guy on the phone said that they had some "lighter springs" soon to be available...

I got the manual, AND a spring set... all free...

trigger is a crisp, slightly stiff 5 pounds now... but it breaks like glass... (and the mag


New member
Glad to know Springfield Armory treats its customers better than it does its investors. Anyone else remember a few years ago when they declared they were bankrupt, sold their manufacturing equipment to themselves, screwed all the people they owed money, and reopened under a new organization?

RCBS has always gone above and beyond for me. Sent free parts on stuff I bought used, free upgrades, top flight.


New member
my only experience

I only have had one customer service issue, but here goes.

In 1992 I purchased a new Series 80 Enchanced Combat Commander. Out of the box, the pistol had feeding and ejection issues out the wazoo.

Placed a phone call to Colt and was given the address and phone # of Bain and Davis as the closest authorized repair center in my area (Southern California). Colt said all I had to do was send in my gun with the provided work authorization # and they would take care of me.

3 weeks later I got back my Colt (they paid return shipping). Bain & Davis lowered the ejection port, polished the ramp and throat, tuned the extractor, and installed a King's trigger and did a trigger job.

Gun has been 100% since.

Very pleased with Colt's customer service.

I did call S&W about getting work done on an old M-28 and they seemed to be very friendly and relatively competatively priced, but I haven't had the work done so I can't comment on their shop.



New member
They are not a firearms manufacturer, but no discussion about good (or great) customer service would be complete without a tip of the hat to Dillon Precision.


New member
Browning is at the top of my list. I have an old FN high power made in 1936 it doesn,t even have the browning name on it. When I contacted Browning about replacing the springs in it, they told me to send it in & they would contact me about the cost before doing the work. I sent it in , 2weeks later the gun came back with new springs installed cleaned & lubed & working like a new gun. The cost? price of the shipping!:D


New member
Is nice to see that there are still stories of good customer service. Seems all you hear are the terrible tales of woe. At least we now know that there are still some companies out there that remember business is still built , or knocked down one customer at a time.

I wish I could say the same for all companies. Customer service is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

Blue Duck357

New member
Best I'd have to say S/W just because I'd rather take a beating than go to our local UPS office to mail handgun. S/W sends a label and you just have to call fed-ex, they come pick it up.

Normally I don't mess with warranties just due to shipping. Most companies don't cover it and frankly lots of little problems can be fixed locally for less than the cost and trouble of shipping in the first place. Once sent a Marlin back three times to no avail until the local guy fixed in for $10 :mad: