Best & CHEAPEST handgun scope?


New member
What, in your humble opinions, is the best AND MOST INEXPENSIVE handgun scope? Red dots, etc are fair game, but I want MAGNIFICATION. anything bigger than 1 is fine (1.5, 2, 4, whatever..)

I'm looking for something (semi-hypothetically, since I have no money yet) to put on a BuckMark Standard Plus, which would be equipped have one of these:

lightweight is good, good optics are good, durability is very important, cost is most important.



New member
Uh, you get what you pay for, so suggest dropping "cheap" from your wish-list (young, eh?).

Good glass costs more. Burris (or contact SSK).


New member
Okay, I see that I wrongly phrased the question.

Which handgun scope, do you think, have the highest quality to cost ratio ("most bang for the buck")?

I've used many Leupold rifle scopes and admire their quality, but I'm looking for something under $200, $150 if possible.

How about this: What is you favorite handgun scope? Why, and how much does it cost?


New member
My favorite is a Leupold 2.5-8x32 which cost $385.

Bushnell has a decent rep. Moosegear has a 2-6 for $185 (shipping included). They also have 2x for $140.


New member
For light recoil guns, I have had good luck with Simmons. For larger guns I use Burris. I would suggest you look into a used scope. I have bought used scopes for years. I have never had a problem with one of the better name brands. You should be able to get a uses Burris/Leupold in the $150-200 range.


New member
Tasco 1.25X4 and pro point red dot

Both have been on my Ruger MKII, the 1.25x4 is a good quality scope for the money and works well out to 100yds but most shooting for me was at 50yds or less,nice and clear for a cheap scope and focus is good. The pro point is alot of fun shooting clay's(on the berm) or small steel targets,REAL fast to shoot with and with some pratice you can get good groups with it also.groups are not as good as a scope though,atleast for me. for a 22 these work fine for me but if you wan't Quality or plan on shooting bigger calibers go for Burris or Leupold,the Weaver V8 is also nice.



Edited for favorite's
1)Burris 3x12 on .223 barrel(contender)
2)Burris 2x7 on 7x30 waters barrel(contender)
3)Weaver V8 on 357 Maximum barrel(contender)


New member
I have been VERY happy with my $80 Swift 2X Pistol Scope. It has very bright clear optics. Has held up very well on my Ruger MK II. Swift isn't real well known, but they seem to have a good reputation.

The last Shotgun News has quite a few ads for pistol scopes in the under $100 range.


New member
I have a three Leupold 2x pistol scopes, one on a Contenter .22, one on a Contender .357, and the last on a Redhawk .44Mag. All work fine and I'm happy with them. If Leupolds are over your budget, take a look at They're advertising a B&L 3000 Elite 2x pistolscope right now for $99.95. (Disclaimer: I've never dealt with this company myself, but they seem well regarded on the "Optics" board at Shooters.)


New member
Red Dot

I saw their little hg scopes in a magazine about 4 years ago and they looked really neat. They seemed the most reasonably priced if I remember right.


[Edited by Ben on 01-24-2001 at 09:04 PM]


New member
Ruger. They are well made and don't cost as much as other firearms. I got a p94 in .40. I like it but its just not that interesting to me. I now have a HK USP .45 browning Hi-power(9mm) which I absolutely love. Its got a 2.5lbs trigger pull grips new hammer adjustible sights and one hell of a finish (and it only cost 300 dollars, I got it used from a shooter that developed arthritis and could not take the recoil any longer).


New member
I found the issue I was talking about. Millett REDOT was the brand. It was 189.00 MSRP (less in real life). It was in a Nov/Dec 1996 issue of Handgunning. One can only assume that they're quite a bit less now.

[Edited by Ben on 01-27-2001 at 05:14 PM]