Best Caliber: 9mm, 40 S&W, or 45 ACP

147 Grain

New member
Bullet construction and weight (i.e. choice of ammo) are more important than caliber! Either the 9mm, 40 S&W, or 45 ACP will be fine for self defense - given the right bullet.

Choose the weapon that fits you best and as far as caliber is concerned, they generally perform the same as far as wound ballistics are kept by PD's and emergency room doctors.

If you shoot a lot of ammo at the range or are small in stature, the 9mm has an advantage. Otherwise, it's a toss-up, as far as self defense is concerned.

Often, it's best for a beginner to startout and become proficient with a 9mm and only move up after a lot of range time. Many 40 caliber owners have intermediate handgun skills (but not all). Only recommend the 45 ACP for shooters who've master basic handgun skills and range proficiency.

147-gr. bullets in 9mm, 180-gr. in 40 S&W. and 230-gr. in 45 ACP are more apt to outperform lighter bullets in their respective calibers. Suggest you consider Ranger T's, Golden Saber's, or Gold Dot's for choice of self defense ammo.


New member
for home defense,.. i wanted a subsonic bullet so if the day ever comes, i do not have permanent damage to my ears from firing in my tight hallways. that being said,... if i was to have a bullet traveling at 'only' 1000fps, i wanted the biggest bullet i could. .45 was clear. How useless would that 9mm be at 1000fps, compaired to a heavy .45-

News Shooter

New member
I guess I'm really stupid so please excuse me

But in the extremely unlikely event that I ever have to use a firearm to defend myself inside my home...why the hell would I be concerned about ringing in my ears for the rest of my "life?" What am I missing in this discussion???


New member
no such thing as best

Get the pistol in the caliber that fits your hand the best. For me it was the BHP 9mm. For you it may be something else. take it to the range and have a good time.


New member
Heck, I have them all, and they all perform the task well in different ways (e.g. light/fast 9mm vs heavy/slow .45). I might add .357SIG as another choice to your list, depending on what factors you're considering.


New member
9mm, It is cheep, You can shoot it all day and your hands won't hurt and if the military and the police use it, it is good enough for my protection plus I don't have to worry about it going threw some one and into some one else.

Andrew LB

New member
Best caliber for self defense, i would say .45 ACP. Best for the range and plinking all afternoon.... 9mm. I shoot the crap out of my XD-9 all day long and never get tired, sore, or broke since 9mm ammo is so cheap. I bought a ton of 100 round winchester white box FMJ 9mm's at walmart a few months back for $10.99 each and they work great. .45 is over twice the cost per round.

Andrew LB

New member
Ahh.... this is what i need!


thanks for the link Brian.