Best aftermarket trigger on the market?


Staff Alumnus
I already own a Jewell trigger that's installed in one my DCM AR.

Now, I'm currently in the market for a trigger for the most recent memeber of my family, Remington 700 VSSF .220 Swift. Should I go with Jewell again or is there another good trigger on the market?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've not tried the Jewell. I have a Timney on one rifle; a Canjar on another. I definitely prefer the Canjar.



Another vote for the Canjar. I've got a single-set, and it's the nicest Ive ever played with. Broke a couple Timneys (damn aluminum!) before spending the money on the Canjar. I like the Jewell, too, but Canjars just FEEL better to me.
I've actually had excellent luck with all three.

I've got a Timney on my Remington 700 .243 chuck gun, and it's a dream.


New member
Disclaimer: I shoot benchrest

There is NO better trigger out there than those made by Arnold Jewell.


New member
Best trigger in the world is the one that was in your gun when you shot the 600/60X....whether OEM or Jewell or whatever. All the triggers mentioned awefully good. How well it blends in with the rest of the package for the individual gun and shooter probably makes the difference tween em.



Staff Alumnus
I ordered the Jewell trigger. It should arrive within a week. The rifle shoots sub-MOA with the crappy factory trigger. I CAN'T wait to see what I can shoot with a 8 oz trigger pull :D