Best 9mm Full Size. Help me rank them.


New member
I don't have a 9mm, just a 1911 & several .22lr. My neighbor's cousin just asked me what's a good 9mm. I told him to buy a Mark II 512 and then spend time narrowing his 9mm list and then go rent his 3 favorites. I agreed with 9mm because ammo is so much cheaper and it should be easier to shoot than .40, especially for a beginner. He'll never "carry" it so I recommended full size only.

Help me with this list, comments and ranking of preference. I didn't rank as I don't know.

$305 Ruger P95D - Ugly, durable gun. Inexpensive, but very good quality.
$339 CZ75BD - I'm pretty sure these are just as good as the $600 pistols. You could ask on TFL.
$500 Glock 17 - Many people just love Glocks. Ugly. Durable. You MUST learn the safe handling of a Glock.
$512 Walther P99 - Nice looking modern gun. Great grip. Don't care for the trigger pull. Used by many paramilitary cops in Europe.
$571 Berreta 92F - Widely used by military worldwide.
$625 H&K USP
H&K P2000 *New gun not quite yet available.
$650 Browning HP - High Power "Practical".
$697 Sig 226

ps: Yes, I'm going to sign him up for a class and also take him to the range for safety lesson and exposure to my pistols. (I told him he has to bring a friend who's never shot. :)

- Yes I did a search & know I've seen the question before, but for some reason came up with so many threads I couldn't find anything... Sorry.
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New member

Browning High Power

S&W in their various forms

Sig, 228, 225, 239.

Springfield 9mm 1911's are approved in California.

The FEG Hi-power clones are approved in CA, and are cheaper than Brownings

At the high end, the H&K P7M8

My choice for a new shooter?

The Hi-power:)


New member
Of the ones I shot or owned:

HK P7 M8

Sig P226/P228/P229/P225

Glock 19 *haven't shot the G26 yet but since I love the G27 I think I can safely add it.

Browning High Power

These pistols have something to offer for everyone.


New member
I'm not a big fan of Glock's, but if he is looking at full sized 9mm, why not the G34? It has a longer barrel and sight radius than the G17 while taking the same magazines.


New member
I own 2-9mm pistols. Glock 17 w/ 3.5# trigger. HK USP 9 c shot SA only. I shoot my Glock 17 better. But there's a problem with most double stack 9mms. Grip size which might be too big for medium/small hands. Both the Glock/HK feel like a 2X4 in my hand due to grip size. I might shoot a single stack 9mm better. But choices in single stack 9mm are slim & slimmer for full-size. HK makes a P7M8 which cost over $1,000. Sig makes a P225 which is hard to find. Walther makes single stack 9mm which I don't know much about. Sig/Walther are DA/SA which I don't like. Springfield Armmory sells a 1911 9mm in stainless for SMRP of $832. I'm interested in a 9mm 1911 but $832 is steep. The pistol might need a action job which reduces a 5# to 6# trigger pull to 3.5# trigger pull. Also I don't like stainless so it needs to get parkerised. So this $832 pistol might wind up costing over $1,000. Best 9mm full-size pistol I'm still looking for 1. Glock 17 is what I carry.

Walt Sherrill

New member
The following are my favorites, in order. I have owned all of these guns and shot them extensively, except for the Glock 34/35.
With the exception of the SIG P-210, I think they are all close in performance, with the P-95 bringing up the rear, but not by far.

1. SIG P-210-6 (standard 210 with match-grade trigger)
2. Browning H-Power or Pre-B CZ-75
4. CZ-85 Combat
5. Glock 34 (or is it 35? The 9mm version)
6. Any Performance Center Smith & Wesson 59 or 69 series pistol
7. Any SIG 9mm
8. Glock 17
9. CZ-75B
10. Ruger P-95

I haven't owned, but have shot, an H&K P7 or P13, and know them to be very accurate guns. I don't like the squeeze cockers on those guns, and they do get VERY hot.

I've had Beretta 92s and 96s, and they're fine guns; just don't care for them all that much. I especially don't like the safety/decocker mechanism.

Have only shot H&Ks, but not enough to have an opinion.
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Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
In order of ranking-

1- Sig P225, P226, P228, or P239

2- Glock 17, 19, or 26

3- Beretta 92 or 92SF

4- H&K P7

5- H&K USP

At least that is my order of preference.:cool: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
My ranking.
  • Walther P5: This pistol is top notch!! :cool:

    Walther P99: Fits almost any hand!! :)

    Browning High Power: JMB's last and greatest design!!! ;)

    Walther P38/P1: Classic pistol that is a babe magnet at the range!! :D

    Ruger P89: Large and chunky, but digests anything, including wolves!!! :eek:


New member
For me...
Beretta 92
Sig 226
Glock 17/34
Ruger P95D

I've owned shot all of these, though most have passed to other hands. Still have the Beretta and carry it daily.

juliet charley

New member
Walther P5

Browning P35 (with Spegel grips)

Beretta 92 (favouring the Type M)

Third Generation S&W (favouring the 39-series)

Sig P228/225 (all the others 226/2229/239 just aren't ergonomically suitable for me)


New member
The SIG P210 totally outclasses every other 9mm made. Of course, since a cheap one is usually $1,500, it isn't really a practical solution. Mine is an ex-military issue P210-DK/M49 that I got for under $1,000, and it makes every other 9mm out there feel like a bad joke.

Next up is the Hk P7M8. Not as refined, accurate or easy to shoot as a P210, but way better than everyone else in all of the above and about $500 or so cheaper than a P210.

Once you get in to the "practical" realm of MSRPs under $1,000, it is a closer race. I personally dislike Berettas based on the consistent unreliability of the M9s I got issued in the Army, but alot of people like them. The best price/performance point is easily the CZ-75 series. Get one & spend the $200 you saved over its competition on a trigger job and spare 15-rounders and rest easy.


New member
H&K P7M8/H&K P7M13 (if you can find one)
Sig P228/229
Glock 17/19
Beretta 92fs
Ruger P95


New member
My best "full size" 9mm is a Glock 17L with a compensator on the end to add some decent weight and length to the gun.

For a "real"size gun, have your friend shoot each one of the above mentioned guns in this thread. They are all good and the "best" one is the one what fits his hand and shoots well for him.

Should be interesting, tell him to bring a couple of thousand dollars for ammo and be prepared to stay a spell.


New member
Another vote for the missing HP....

Surprised not to see it on your list. Good accessories, excellent hi cap price/availability, great ergonomics.

If you want plastic, I highly recommend the p99.


New member
I favor the Walther P99 and the Beretta 92 -- the Glock 17 is a good gun, but I don't like the feel very much. Those are the only 9mm's I've tried personally, although I've heard the CZ75 and Browning Hi-Power are also very good.