Best 9MM for home protection


New member
I'm considering using my new Ruger P95 for home protection. I've run several hundred rounds through the gun and have had no problems. I even have a few hi cap mags for my gun. What would be the best choice for defensive ammo? I live in a new mobile home, so the walls are not very thick and I'll have to worry about over penetration. My neighbors are about 15 feet away from my house.

I was considering Federal EFMJ or Nyclad HP rounds since they would offer good expansion with minimal penetration. My current house gun is a S&W Mt Gun in .45ACP, and I'm concerned that even .45 hp's will greatly over penetrate.

Chris Nemeth
In your situation, I would recommend staying with your .45 ACP revolver. With a revolver, you can use the shot cartridges and the frangibles (Glaser and Magsafe) without the reliability problems that you can experience with a semi-auto with these rounds.

I have fired 12 rounds of the Glasers in .38 Special. I know that they are reliable, I know where they hit and I am familiar with the recoil.

In order to get the same level of confidence in the reliability of this ammo with a semi-auto, you would have to shoot many times that number of rounds.
The quality frangibles can cost more than $2.00 per round!
You could spend more than $200.00 for ammo for testing, and your semi-auto still may not be reliable with these controlled-fragmentation rounds.

This is a big advantage for the revolver as a home defense gun.


Will Beararms

New member
Get yourself a 12 gauge shotgun. I am serious. Loaded with #6 or Low Brass 71/2's you will have a formidable weapon that will not overpenetrate. If money is a concern, a Winchester 1300 pump can be had inside of $200.00. DO NOT GET THE pistol grip stock----go with the full stock.

Otherwise, Mag Safe frangible on either the .45ACP or 9mm.

George Helser

New member

I agree with both CZ and Mk.IV.

The Cor Bon 115 grain +P JHP load is very potent for defense and has limited penetration on your target but I am afraid in a new mobile home a miss with most defensive ammo could prove deadly to your neighbors and therefore a last ditch option.

Shot cartridges and the frangibles should be considered for the safety of you neighbors.

Have you considered a shotgun with birdshot? It is deadly point blank but will probably not penetrate two mobile home walls. You could load two rounds of #7 1/2 followed by two rounds of #00 and then slugs to cover all emergencies.

In sunny Arizona


I'd stick with the 45ACP is using a handgun for defense. The larger cross section combined with lower velocity may give you less over penetration that you think.

1911A1 fan

New member
Don't get me wrong I love handguns,but where you live you should think about getting a good 12ga. pump gun. Most shops in my area sell police trade-in for around $200,and like most cop guns, they are shot very little. Stay safe.


New member
My favorite 9mms for home protection are Hydra-Shok, Gold Dot and SXT in 124 grain and 147 grain bullet weights.


New member

I suggest a high-quality 115g JHP +P (like mine, natch), but whatever you use, practice with it often.

George Helser

New member

Some bad advice above! 45 ACP is famous for penetration. 45 ACP, especially 230 gr, is designed to penetrate your target, your home and an innocent or two downrange!!
DON'T use 45 ACP in your mobile home park.

Likewise, the heavier 9x19 bullets will tend to over-penetrate. Re-thinking my post above, if Corbon offers a 90gr bullet in 9x19 that might be a better choice for the safety of your neighbors.

Good luck!

In sunny Arizona