Best 9mm for 100-350 dollars!


New member
Yeah, I AM a poor college student...there is no denying it. I don't want to end up with a High point 9mm, but it is likely I may. Let fly the suggestions! This caliber is dirt cheap around here! I can go up to 400$, but I'm in for some bitchin' from my woman...who much prefers dinners and movies to badass stopping power :( Le sigh. (She is getting me a Bersa for my b-day though, so no complaints!)

Thanks everyone,


chris in va

New member
Used 2nd generation Glock 17/19. Try police trade-ins.

Personally I'm looking at a new Springfield XD-9, and those run about $400-450 new. The grip is a lot better than the G19 for my hands.


New member
I'd love a G-17! I want to buy locally though, don't trust ordering off the net (I like to handle my me crazy). I can't seem to find any around here though. Thanks for the quick response!


Gawd, I don't know why anybody would ever buy a Hi-Point aside from if they just want a really cheap .45, but there's lot of really cheap .45's out there like Firestorms.

If you want a really cheap .45 also check out the Republic Arms Cobra Patriot .45. They have a good reputation and I heard they can take 1911 mags, but I'm not sure about that. They have a website, I was just on it the other day, but now I can't find it. They also make a 10 round 9mm and a few other guns.

Here's one: Republic Arms Cobra Patriot .45

Cobra Patriot 9mm

They make these with a hard chromed slide also. I've seen the blued .45's sell for under $150 and the 9's for around $100.


New member
CDNN has Steyr M-9's on sale for 249.99, they also have some used Ruger P93's for 199.99-249.99 depending on condition.


New member
I have a couple Maks, they are the most reliable handgun available for the price. Cheap ammo, fun shooting.
You can get them from G&J for $99, shooter grade.


New member
why buy a used gun or a crappy russian gun when you could buy a top of the line auto brand new?????

TAURUS 24/7 339$$$ from choose whatever caliber you want 9,40, or 45 and be amazed! manual thumb safety, 17+1 capacity (9mm), ribber grip, light, reliable, big sights, accurate, god i love my gun.


CDNN has Steyr M-9's on sale for 249.99

They only come with one ten round magazine, plus there's shipping and transfer fee. It's not a screaming deal. I handled a M-9 a couple weeks ago and actually hated the thing. The slide is like a brick and the grip angle is funky as heck.


New member
Take a good look at the Ruger P-Series.

The P85 is hell-for-stout, of good heavy construction, and is more accurate than it has a right to be. I've seen them used for as little as $250, and like new for about $325. Hi-caps are plentiful and available.


New member
Gotta agree with the Mak. It is relible, mild recoil, compact, just about a perfect blend of power vs weight.

Ammo can be had for $100 per 1000 rounds. However, I would first consider just the plain jane .22.

A ruger 22/45 is "cheap" to shoot, being able to purchase 500 rounds for $10.00 at Wally mart. In the real world, I doubt that you will ever need to use a gun for self-defense, so for something which you can plink with, learn good shooting habits, and if your into camping put a little extra meat in the pot the 22 is pretty hard to beat...


New member
There is not too much that can be "wrong" with a used Glock

Especially the 9mm versions.

If you are buying solely on price....then the Ruger is probably a good choice


New member
Gotta Disagree...

IMHO the CZ 75 (and variants) are the best bargains out there for quality, reliable pistols. I just picked up a used CZ 75 P-01 in 9mm for $330 and have already went through several hundred rounds.


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New member
Realistically, look at the $ 275-350 range for a good used gun. Used Glocks, Rugers, S&W, and CZ are some good makers to consider. Always think quality, reliability, durability, and value when shopping for a handgun. Good luck and let us know what you get.


New member
I too would be looking at used Glocks or the Ruger P series. I've had some very bad issues with Taurus so I will stop short of recomending them though.


New member
I second bullshooter, a used CZ is right there. Try (New 75b is $383) or hunt on gunbroker.


Nice Price on a P01

I looked around everywhere locally trying to find a used P01. I ended up getting a new one. Paid $485 out the door. $330 is a steal for that hand gun.

I own a Steyr S9 and a S40. I love them. The grip angle is great in my hand. Very well built gun. I think that when you look at the supported chamber and the overall quality of the materials I think you are getting $450 worth of gun for $275.00 with shipping and transfer fees. To each his own.



New member
why buy a used gun or a crappy russian gun when you could buy a top of the line auto brand new?????
:eek: Anyone who would call a Mak a crappy russian gun has little credibility.

Here's my favorite 9mm. It is a crappy Spanish gun that cost $120. I put $15 grips on it. It will hold it's own with any 9mm pistol out there in the accuracy and reliability department. It will shoot as well as my Beretta 92Fs, and my HK P7.
I do admit that I had to free up the detent ball in the slide stop when I first got the gun, but an overnight soak in ATF did that. Some say parts are hard to come by, but if you are concerned about that buy two. Actually, I have had no problems with parts breakage and they are available on the net. For the fellow on a budget a Mil-Surp is hard gun to ignore.



New member
There's always the S&W SW9VE. Right at $300 new, plus or minus ten bucks depending upon the market.

I don't think they're running the promotion anymore that gives you two hi-cap mags in addition to the 10-rounders that I took advantage of, but it's been dead reliable with around 2500rds through it.


New member
Anyone who would call a Mak a crappy russian gun has little credibility

You beat me to it.

Star B and BM would be a decent choice. The BM I had was a good shooter. Parts are hard to come buy, but they're reasonably durable guns if you don't abuse them.

Kel-Tec P11s are in your price range.

I just bought a used Kahr K9 for $350, I've seen other K9s in that range as well. If you can stretch to $389, I've seen NIB E9s (econo version of K9) for that price.



New member
Look at the Ruger P series especially the P95. They are built rock solid, are 100% reliable with any ammo and Ruger will stand behind them if youu have a problem.

One more reason, they're designed and built right here in the good old USA. In this day and age that matters a lot to me.