Best 357 Hot Load / Hunting Loads


New member
Jumping around the forum here, and reading lots of books I have found some conflicts on information reguarding the most lethal hunting loads for the 357 Magnum.

Most say that the 158 grain is the best and the data I see would say otherwise. It looks to me that the 125 grain bullets will deliver more energy based on the data that they can be pushed faster.
Looks to me like a 125 graim bullet loaded with a max load of N110 or 2400 delivers the most power.

Why would the heavier bullet traveling slower, netting less energy, not shooting as flat be better?

What are your thoughts?



New member
In a word: momentem.

A heavy bullet will retain what energy is has longer than a light bullet will. Take a look at the velocities at distance and you'll see the light bullets are slowing down much faster than the heavies. And this is in air.

In a denser medium like flesh and bone the heavier bullet will lose its momentem much slower than a light bullet, thus penetrating further.


New member
Isn't it about stopping power and shock?

I have attached a data table I found out on the internet to this tread. It is a data table on killing power actully using real data from shots and kills. This makes the lighter bullets look good as well. It does state that the heavy slugs do have a tad bit more penetration than the little guys, but I am just wondering if that extra 1" or so of penetration is worth giving up 200-300 fps of velocity and the shock that it delivers?



  • Stopping_power.gif
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New member
Can't depend on hydrostatic shock at handgun velocities. Handguns are basically holemakers. Penetration and placement rule the day. Velocity falls off quickly with distance and impact with tissue. Bullet weight can stay constant. Bigger and longer wound channels are better.


New member
The 125's are made to shoot people, they won't hold up on impact with tougher constructed animals. You will likely have bullet failure and wounded animals. You need a TOUGH bullet, like the 158 XTP or the hunting specific bullets.


New member
OK, So what weght bullet

OK, so from what I see here, a 158-180 grain bullet is the best for hunting an average sized whitetail deer and an average sized black bear. I would assume that a hollow point would not be recommended (especially on the bear), so I wolud be looking to get the best velocity and accuracy combonation with a 158-180 soft point bullet?
Sounds good to me,



New member
in the hunt

Consider how best to "make a long hole"; heavy bullets offer more weight behind their diameter ('sectional density') allowing them to penetrate deeper (a good thing, 'cause maybe it'll hit something important).
Heavy bullets retain momentum as the distance increases, normally out-speeding lighter faster-launched bullets by 100 or so yards.

A flat-nosed 180g Cast Performance bullet launched at 1100fps is IMNSHO minimum for blackies; I prefer a .400"-n-up hole (like a heavy 44/45 Colt).

Shooting people with your 357? Highly recommend a fast 125g or 140g XTP-HP.